Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: October
Later Addition: 1590 8 October To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Master Bodeleie
Sir. Collonell Steward nowe latelie sence his retorne owt of Denmarcke hath ernestlie delt with hir Majestie, to recommend to yowe to deale with the States for his paiment of such sommes of monie as was due to him and his Regiment duringe the time of his serrvice theare: Or otherwise that withowt hir Majesties offence he might be permitted to use his lettre of mark against thos of that nation for his satisfaccion. wherewith hir Majestie hath noe liking that anie such Corse should be held by him, althowgh she taketh yt great Reason and Equitie to have him satisfied by them of such sommes as theie are indebted to him for theire serrvice, and by which occasion he hath greatlie browght himself behind hand: And therefore hir Majesties pleisure is that yowe shall deale with them hearein as ernestlie and effectuallie as yowe maie, whearebie he maie receive from them sum good satisfaccion to his reasonable Contentment: Otherwise I doe not see howe he can be staied from usinge of his lettres of Mark, which would be verie trowblesome to thos of that Cuntry: And to the ende you maie better understand the pointes of his information to hir Majestie, the better to deale with the said States thearein, I doe heareinclosed send unto you a Brief thereof which he hath delivered unto mee. and so I Commend mee hartelie to yowe./ From the Cort this viijth of October. 1590 Your vearie Lovinge frend./ Willia Burghley