Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: September
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 15 September To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Master Bodeley
Sir. Since the retorne hither of Master Wilkes, and havinge delivered his and your opinions for the changing of thos lettres written by hir Majestie to the townes, hir Majestie having been made acquainted thearewith, althowgh she doth well allowe of the Course, yet will she not in anie sort agree to have so manie lettres, to be written to everie particular towne as was by yowe two thowght convenient, and yet hath she been pleased to signe a dozen to the townes of most importance, which yowe shall receive to be delivered accordinge to theire direcions, together with a lettre from hir Majestie to the States, and a Copie of thes to the Townes, wheareof mention is made by her Majestie in hir lettres to them: And for that it is not likelie that the particular townes can understand the same as it is written in frenche, and besides for that divers of the townes have not anie lettres written to them, It is thowght requisite that yowe should cawse the same to be translated into Dutche, and to be dispersed and notified to all the townes, that theie might also be acquainted with hir Majesties good meaning by the same: and to that ende yowe shall receive two Copies of the said lettres, whearebie yowe maie deliver the one of them to the States with hir Majesties lettres, and reteine the other with yowe to be putt into Dutche: And so I vearie hartelie Commend mee unto you. From my howse in the Strand this xvth of September 1590. Your vearie Lovinge frend./ William Burghley