fol.220rLater Addition: Belgia: 1590. July.
Addressed: [T]o out trusty and welbelovid Thomas Wilkes and Thomas Bodley /esquires/, our servitors in the [L]owe Countryes/.
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: July
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 20 July
Sign Manual: Elizabeth R
By the Queene./ Trusty and welbeloved, wee greete yow well. Whereas monsieur Snoy otherwise called Sonoy, who had charge in the Prince of Orenges tyme in North Holland, and afterward was Captene and Governor of Medenblicke, hath enfourmed us, that the States Generall, and the Conte Maurice have not observed such appointmentes and articles, as was concluded betwixt them and him, at the tyme that he delyvered the sayed towne of Medenblick to the sayed Conte and States, whereby he ys endaungered to the Burgesse of the Towne, and his estate otherwise empayred in not obteynynge such thinges as were promised to him for his benefite, as by a Remonstrance which he hath presented to us in writinge and which wee have willed our Threasorer of England to send herewith unto yow, shall more largely appare.parWee havinge had good cawse for the goodwill and dutifull serrvice, which he allwayes professed to render to us to the Publicke benefite of the Contrie, do will and moste ernestly requyre you both, after ye have considered of his cawse by the sayed Remonstrance, and by the further informacion of such, as he will direct to attend uppon you, that you do diligently imparte his whole cause to the States Generall, and to all the Cownsell of Estate, and as occasion may serve to the Conte Maurice, and Requyre them as they will have us thincke that they have regard to content us, to heare his complaintes, and give favourable aunswers to his demaundes, and to satisfy him in all matters accordinge to the promises made to him, when he did render the Governement. Which also wee have more cause to requyre of them bicause he did yeld to all their demaundes uppon such solicitacion as by our commaundement was made to him, by our Lieutenant Generall the L. Willoughby, and our Cownsellour Henry Killegrewe, which wee did to content the Estates accordinge to their requestes. And though at your furst motion (yt may be) you shall not have a redy and favourable aunswere: Yet wee will you in tymes convenient to reiterate our requestes, and not to disiste from the same, with out some relief of him and his causes. Gyven under our Signet at our Mannor of Grenwich the xxth of July 1590. in the xxxijth year of our Raigne/.