Later Addition: Belgia 1590: July
Later Addition: 1590 14 July [.] my L. Treasuror
May it please your L. I was visited of late by Monsieur Buis, whose affection devoted to her Majesties service, your L. hath knowen by my former letters, as also otherwise by his actions heretofore. Of the conference that was between us, I have thought very requisit, to impart some pointes of moment to your L. to be further considered, as in your judge- ment and wisdome, yow shall thinke expedient. Uppon occasion of talke astouching Justinus, and St Aldegonde, he was fully persuaded, that whatsoever nowe is pretended by them, had Paris bin wonne, and suche further prosperitie befallen the King, as they did hastely imagine /look for/, they were fully determi- ned to have moved the King, to accept of these Provinces. And wheras Count Maurice giveth out, that Justinus errant to the K. was only to solicite for some part of the Countes patrimonie in Burgundie, whiche (as he saieth), was lately recovered from the Enemie by the King, he avocheth flatly, that it is but a mere excuse, for that the count hath no- thing to claime in ether Burgundie. His fathers interest was in the Count of Burgundie, whiche is the Kinges of Spaine, wherof the French K. doth nether challenge, nor enjoy any part: and in the Duchie of Burgundie, which apperteneth to Fraunce, he never had any thing. There are only certaine actions of the mortuarie house of his father, whiche belong to the Countesse of Beuren his sister, and no- thing at all to himself. Howbeit Count Maurice, he thinkes, is muche seduced by some naughtie instru- ments about him. But if her Majestie could winne him, and would be induced theruppon to make fol.202vLater Addition: Belgia: 1590: July
him her lieutenant in these contreis, he made no [dout] but the Count would accept it for a singular /favor and/ honor and it would also prove the readiest and the safest course, aswel for her Majestie as the contrey. His opi- nion is further, that her Highnes should use no longe delay in the mater, for that he standeth assured, ther is some secret practise a foote in the Frenche kinges behalf. For he cometh into divers places [[an]]d com- panies, and talketh with persons of divers qualities and callinges, and of sundrie Provinces, whose usual communication is in commendacion of the Frenche, and in disgrace of the English nation, as by whome they say, they have receaved more hurt then benefit whiche they would verifie continually by my L. of Leicesters proceedinges: alleaging withall that her Majestie in shewe hath refused the Soveraigntie of these contreis, yet she hath sought underhand, both by him, and by other of her ministers, to possesse their townes, and so to deprive them of their liberties, and to bring them into servitude. This he af- firmeth, is the common speeche among a great many, ether suborned unto it, or untruly infor- med, by suche as would bring in the Frenche. And above all other places, he thought it needfull for her Majestie to keepe good watche in Zeland. To prevent the inconvenience that might growe to her Majestie by these factious devises, he held it very necessarie, that certaine letters should be adres- sed from her Hignes not only to this college heere of the General states, but to the several Provinces, and to the principal townes of every Province, the effect of which letters should be this, or the like, fol.203rLater Addition: Belgia: 1590: July
That forasmuche as her Majestie had at sundrie ti- mes of late, and in sundrie affaires importing the good of these contreis, written very earnestly to their Deputies in the Assembly of the General states at the Hage, and had ether /receaved/ no answear from them, or was foded forthe in vaine with promises and no per- fourmance; and had also understood, that some of the forsaid affaires, had bin concealed by them in their assembly, and not further imparted to their superiors, the particular Provinces, she was therfore forced at this present to deale more directly and parti- cularly with them, and to lett them understand that she doth repute her self to be highly wronged, and touched in Honor, by the sinister practises, and untrue reportes of some seditious persons, which of a perverse disposition, and for the better effecting of their privat desseignes, endevor continually to persuade the inhabitants of these contreis, that her Majesties assi- stance unto them hath bin nothing, that it hath bin more domageable then beneficiall, and that her Majestie doth reject the soveraigntie in wordes, but hath ever sought by her deedes, and by the actions of her ministers, to bring their townes in subjection: with other like untrue, and injurious imputations. To which cause she doth lett them understand, /hath bin moved to doe them to witte/ that [In margin: In which respect she is desirous to declare unto them, that the manifold and weightie affaires causes wher- with she is daily com- bred and every day more /in her Roial estate/ will not affourd her the convenient meanes to acquit of all /the/ particular pro- ceedinges of her sub- jectes, but in these contreis but]Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: July
a purpose to protect them from the tyrannie of the Enemie, whiche she is assured she hath done /to her excessive charges/ and doth at this present /to the daunger of her owne estate/ to the viewe of all the worlde, and will /doth minde/ continewe /it/ so as long, as she may perceave /finde/ on their part a thankful acknowledgement. And therupon she doth request /require/ them, not to yeld so muche, not to the weaknes of some mens conceats, that thinke the contrary, or to the malice of others, that for some particular respect, spredde suche false reportes: with suche addition of suche further mater, in respect of her excessive charges, and of the daunger whertoher owne realme is brought &c. as shall be thought convenient. This is the summe of a longer discourse between Master Buis and me: wherewith I acquainted Master Wilkes /at large/, who hath bin sins at Leiden with him, and hath had the like con- ference, as I thinke he himself will certifie your L.For mine owne part /opinion/ I doe thinke Master Buis informacion to be very true, and his councel uppon it to be sound, and sincere, and voide of all daunger. Nevertheles before there be any thing resolved, I could wishe to see their answears to our first and second propositions, and accordingly as they shewe them selves inclined, so to deale as Monsieur Buis doth advise, or otherwise: albeit for mine owne part, I have made a long triall of their humors, and for /in/ their cariage towardes her Majestie I have seene litle chaunge, but for the worse. And so referring these maters to your L. considera- tion I take my humble leave. From the Hage. Julij 14. 90. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: Before the sending hereof we receaved certaine Apostils for the General states upon our first propositions, which Master Wilkes will send to your L. It is nowe a /just/ moneth that /we/ have /bin/ delaied us and for mine owne part although I expected from them but a slender satisfaction, yet nowe I finde it [.] inferior to that expectation.