Later Addition: Belgia. 1590 18 June To Master Bodly
By the Queene:Sign Manual: Elizabeth R
Trusty and welbelovid, we greete you well. Where of late we sent our servant Thomas Wilkes one of the Clarkes of our Counsel, into those partes, to treate with the States generall of the united provinc & with the Counsel of State about certain matters concerning our service & the weale of those Countryes, Wherin he is directid to use your advise as one long acquayntid with the State of those Coutryes, Which though we doubt not but you will give to the best of your under- standing, Yet we have thought good by these presentes to autorise you to joyne with our said servant in all the actions committid to his charge. And so we will & require you to do, to the furderance of our service commytted to him by Instructions both from our self, and from our certain of our Counsell, Wherof upon the sight herof, we doubt not but he will make you privie and willingly use your advise.We can not but let you knowe our gracious acceptaunce of the care wisdom, & diligence which we understand by our Tresorer of England you doo use in the charge commyttid unto you there, for the furderaunce of our service at all tymes. Wherof assume your self we will not be unmyndfull to your comfort. Given under our Signett at our Mannor of Grenwich the xviijth of June. 1590, in the xxxijth yeere of our Raigne/