fol.175vEndorsed: Considerations uppon those notes which were sent unto me by the LL. of the councell, as touching the explanacion of the contract &c.
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590. May
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 June
5. It would be an occasion, that they will geve no intertenment to any of her Majesties subjectes: and besides it would [minister make] of discon- tentment and mutinie to other /suche those [.] other/ souldiers as are in their pay.6. The order of the contrey is a great deale more favorable, wherby it is permitted that all kinde of victuall brought to any camp shalbe free of Impost and Accise: wheras the Garrison townes have no suche privilege at all.
7. Her Majesties subjectes in their marching are no worse intertened then the souldiers of the contrey who are seldome admitted into close townes: nether will the Burgeses be persuaded unto it /but in time of necessitie of taking Garrison./ But /Howbeit/ being orderly conducted by the Comissaries they are usually billetted in the villages, and seeldome in any churche, unles /it be in places/ where houses are scant, and the multitude great
8. It was never practised otherwise. thought meete that any companies should be assigned speciall placs of Garrison: but retur- ning from the camp or other service, suche places /they/ were /alwaies/ appointed to to [those] places that that /were/ /judged/ fittest places which /and those in like maner/ for /sundrie good respectes wee are often times changed./
11. Then the resolucion must be taken in counsell. For otherwise nothing is [[paraphed]] by a Counsellor but what the Coucell hath resolved.
12. The Councell of state is to take order alone with the advise of the chief martiall men, for the establishing of militarie discipline: wherein the Generall states are not to intermedle, nether doe thei claime that prerogative, albeit oftentimes the states of particular promises geve order in those affaires, whereby there groweth confusion in this government, whiche doth muche offend the Councell of State. fol.174v
Later Addition: Belgia 1590: May
13. The Councell of state hath ever stoode uppon it, that they will be /[made]/ privy [th. lres] to all intelligences, and have the disposition of all re- wardes.15. If to binde them all in generall and in par- ticular with one generall obligacion might suffice, it would cutt of /the/ the /[well] some/ occasion of gelousie, whiche they wilbe easely conceaved uppon the motion of this Article.
17. It is every mans opinion, that the Generall States will never [g.] passe suche an ample com- mission, but uppon the particular notice and spe- cification of suche pointes be free hande. Otherwise the Deputies of the States in those maters whereto their commission doth extende, does alwaies conferre with the Councell of state, and that aswell about the Contribucions, as otherwise as occasion [serve .] /occasio is [are] offered/
18. If this clause of exception were omitted, there would be lesse mater ministred to the Generall States of Usurping uppon the Councell, Whereto of them selves they are /alwaies/ over prone of themselves.
19. It is fully comprehended in the first part of the former Article.
20. There are sufficient Magasins already erected and good order taken for provision of victuals and munition. fol.175r
Later Addition: Belgia. 1590: May.
22. This /motion/ will be thought to proceede through the sug- gestion of some privat persons, and will offend them very muche for that it is not thought reasons that /so smalle parcels of/ Provinces not contributing but rather burdensome to the contrey, should have any /v voice or/ interest in the /in the direction of maters/ and disposition of the Contributions of /and affaires of the other/ other Contreis Provinces: in in so muche as the 4 principall Provinces /[.] that contribut will [hardly] allowe/ can not well [brooke] that Gueldres and every[/sell], although they be almost full Provinces, should exercise suchautoritie among them.
24. It should seeme to be requisit for divers res- pectes, that her Majesties Counsellors or Counsellor present should concurre with the L. Generall in the Negative.
26. They doe alwaies alleage that the charges of the contrey, and their state of Navigation can not be maintened without this traffique. But if there might be a mutuall agreement between her Majestie and them, that no shippes of any contrey whatsoever, shall be suffered to transport suche pro- hibited provisions into spaine and /or/ Portugall &c. Unles they come first to some partes, whiche may by consent be assigned aswell in England as in these Provinces, and pay suche tolle and custome as shalbe thought convenient, it is suppo- sed heere by divers of themselves, that both this contrey people would be well contented with it, and a great revenue collected to the mainte- nance of the warres, as by good demonstration it may be further /made manifest by good demonstration/ explaned, if her Majestie shalbe pleased to hearken unto it. fol.175v
Later Addition: Belgia. 1590: May.
27. The most part of the shippes of these contreis although they be of great burden, are un- fitte to make shippes of warre.28. It will be very hardly perfourmed in these contreis where there are no suche soci- eties and incorportations of companies as in England, and in that respect no ready meanes to take good order for the contentacion of the marchants.
29. Heere is in effect the /self/ same order already /already/