Later Addition: Belgia: 1590. May:
Later Addition: [[.]] 1590 31 May To the Lords of the Councell
It may please your LL to be advertised, that this bearer Master Browne havinge brought your LL lettre to the generall States in favour of his cause the same hath bin refered to the Councell of State, by whom yt hath bin ordred, that in lieu of those Captens billes, that hee presented unto them, being in the paie of those countrys hee should receave to the selfe same vallew the billes of other captens, which were under the paie of her Majestye. & whereas there are certain bills of those which hee delivered, that are for vittailes Rxd after the 12 of October Anno. 86. the Counsell of State doth alleadge that those are belonging to her Majesties partie For manifestation whereof they have deliverd to Master Browne, the copie of an ordinance made by my L. of Leicester & the Councell of State to that effect. And this is their finall resolution for the paiement of such sommes as they did owe unto him wherin I have not failed, as your LL. required to assist him what I might, & to intreat the same partie that the debt might be payd in redy mony, or els contentement given to his creditors in these countreys. But I may daily parceave there want of meanes & besides they ar affraied that would tourne to theyr prejudice, in respect of ma[[ny] [.]]hers, which might presse them here after to the like satisfaction [[.]] though the requeste to advertise your LL. &c I take my humble leave. May. 31. 90.