Letter ID: 0922
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.135r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0922/000
Date: 09 May 1590
Copy of: 0240


Endorsed: To my L. Treasurer May 9. 90


Later Addition: 9 May To my L. Treasuror Belgia:

Later Addition: Belgia


[[It may please yor L. to be advertised that four days past, I received]] Your L. [lettre] with certain [specialities] [about] the sute of Captain [Bornstrar] which I will manifest heer as either the states or the Captain himself shall minister occasion, I have also Rxd from the general states a copye of the lettre to my LL of the Counsell, in answer to that proposition which I lately made unto them. But seing that hath pleased her Majesty to resolve upon my L. of Buckhurstes coming hether, I should but trouble your L. to note both the untreuth, & impartinencie of certain bold assertions which their answer conteneth. And therefor I refere both that & all other matters to his L. arrivall: who being heer in place shall more easely discerne their parverse proceedinges then I by my lettres can any way explain./ They have bin suffred overlong to practise with the Provinces, & to winne the affections of divers by their wrong informations, for which I stand in dout whether by his L. coming, the state of this government wilbe reformed as yt should bee & to her Majesties contentment. Nevertheles I am fully assured, tht yt will availe very much to keep the people in her Majesties devotion: & to effect in many thinges a great deal of good. I do finde that your L hath had some speech with Master Ortell, for he hath sent a coppie to the Counsell heer of the Last Apostills, which he Rxd from my L. of the Counsell the 15 Marche excusing him self for that he had sent them long befor to the Advocat Barnevelt, & supposed they had bin imparted by him to the Councell of state, The self same course is taken by their Agent in Fraunce, who never writeth hether to the Councel from whom he receavd his commission & instructions, but to Barnevelt How much the affaires of the Councel & the publick service is hindred by such kinde of dealing it is now considered of heer, more then ever befor: & therupon divers of the Councel have addressed their complaintes as well for those as for other indignities offered to them, to their severall Provinces / Of that which hath bin attempted, and is farder intended against the Towne of Nieumeghen, because Sir Francis Vere being there hath certified at large, I not write thereof to your L. The 5 of this moneth Co. Maurice came before yt in very good order with intention to fortifie & to beseige yt / the 2 of this moneth Co. Mansfield brought 8 peeces of Artillery before the litell sconse at Nordam, which is situat at the point of the haven, that leadeth towardes the sea from Sevenbergen, The 3d daie after a long battery & sufficient breach made he assulted yt by boat both the same daie & the next, but was valliantly repulsed at both times with the losse of many of his /best/ souldiers There were within the fort to the number of 300 men which were often changed and refreshed by the Co. of Solmes, who laid at hand upon the water, & had alwaies the meanes both by daie & night to put in men & vittuall moreover the 5 of this moneth in the night time the Enemy attempted by boat to enter the Hillem a parte of the ile of Williamstate over against Sevenbergen, from whens notwithstanding he was forced to retire with losse of the boate & most of those that were in yt, The report is uncertain of the full number slain on the Ennemyes side, but we make account 500 at the least & very few of our owne, the 7 of this moneth wee were advertized that the Enemy intended to leave the siege & to marche with all his forces in those quarters both of horse & foote which are esteemed 7000 to relieve the Towne of Neiumeghen / There is newly come to them the regiment of Sir William Stanley to the number, as we heere, of 600. &c. 9 May 90