Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Tresuror of England.
Endorsed: 14 January 1590 Master Bodelie from the Haghe to my L./
Later Addition: Belgia: 14 January 1591
Later Addition: Belgia
May it please your good L. to advertise her Majestie that having receaved her letters of the 22 of the last moneth, and your L. of the 24 with an other from her Highnes to the General States, which came all to my handes the 8 of this present: and from your L. a second of the 30 of December which I receaved three daies past: I delivered that unto the states the 11 of this moneth: and accor- ding to the tenor of her Majesties instructions, I de- clared that at length, whiche I have signified in summe, in the copie that I send yow: wherof the states have an other, as they doe commonly require. Very seeldome it is, that they make any answear, to any motion at first: but of course and custome, they say they will deliberate which was all their answear unto me, but that their promise is besides, to use expedition.
That that appertened to Sir Edward Norreis intertenment, I did purposely omitte, in my speeche unto the states: for I have found by the bookes of the Treasuror generall, that he hath receaved already, out of Flanders contributions, 120 li sterling120 l pd hym
which is the full of his pay, from the time of his admission to the 10 day of December. That which is proposed for the assurance of Flushing, that inFlushyng
consideration of the Enemies attempts, it might in time of suspicion be better strengthned, they doe very muche mervel wherunto it will tend. For though the Garrison were weaker, yet it is every mans opinion, that the Burgers are suffic- ient, to repulse any Enemie. Howbeit if her Highnes intent be to fortifie the place, aswell against her couvert, as her open enemies, which to my un- derstanding fol.30vLater Addition: Belgia 1590
is greatly behoofull, then to utter what I thinke, with my humblest petition of her gratious pardon, it were a better dealing wt the states, and a like- lier to succeede, if her Highnes would be pleased, to alleage unto them plainely, that forasmuche as nether the present Governor, nor any of those that were before, sins the towne was in caution, will undertake to keepe it, without further forces, that therfore she doth will precisely, that two other bandes of the auxiliarie companies, be presently sent thither. For it is provided already, by the Act of Ampliation or Ratification of the Treaty, that it shall be lawfull for her Majestie for her better assu- rance, to take any towne, out of any other ProvinceThe Q. May tak any town in any other provynce
and to furnishe it with men, without restriction of nomber, of her owne assistance. And though the cases seeme to differ, yet the drifte is all one, in congruitie of reason: for that they ought to provide for her Highnes securitie. And if they will not be moved with this forsaid request, me thinkes it were not inconvenient, to make a triall of them further, and to demaund some other towne, althoug[h] there should be no meaning to possesse it in the end. For before they will be drawen, to forgoe an other place, I am thorowly persuaded, they will give her Majestie her asking for the towne of Flushing. And this is all I can returne to her Majesties letter, till I see wherunto their answear will incline.To the first from your L. I am thus to signifie, That for the mater of surprise,
that required a cipher, which I have nowe recea-a cyphre
ved, your L. will vouchesafe to expect my next letter. For the good conduction of the mater, will chiefly consist in him that is in Zeland: whose fol.31rLater Addition: Belgia 1590
comming unto me hath bin lately impeached by some extremitie of sicknes. But I have sent of sette purpose a messenger unto him, and I trust within these 3 daies, he will ether himself come hi- ther in person, or send me suche direction, as the practise may goe forward, without further delay.Astouching that Answear of the
the General answear of the states to the proposition of Master Wylkes and Master bodeley
states, which I sent to your L. the 7 of December it was exhibited unto me, as I certified your L. by the Greffier of their college. For seing I was autori- sed to joine with Master Wilkes, in proposing unto them her Majesties pleasure, they reputed it suffici- ent, in returne of their answear, to deliver it unto me. And so, I doe suppose their Deputies will alleage: although besides they will pretend, that they are not charged from hens, to deale in those matters. Howbeit I have signified plainely, to some of that Assemblie, That if they had but re- spected the common course of courtesie, considering the weight of those affaires, and her Highnes long at- tendance they should have accompanied their Answear with some letter of excuse. But they doe it not, in part, for want of good affection, though their blunt disposition be a principal cause. And whether in that regard, Master Carons cariage being different from theirs, it be not some occasion that they and he together can not keepe in a con- sort, I leave it by the way to your L. conjecture.In your second letter, concerning that which her Highnes doth desire to understand, The
Lady Morgan, it should seeme, not only by her owne but by her husbandes [conf] report, and by the mes- sengers confession, as by every other circumstance, did utterly dislike the message from her father. Of the letters sent unto her, the first was of credence, fol.31vLater Addition: Belgia: 1590
whiche the messenger delivered, and did that errand upon it, whiche I certified in my former. But the Lady refusing to send her father other answear, then by worde of mouth, and as the partie declareth, in de- testation of his motion, he returned the messenger with a second letter, wherein he required an answear to the first, which was also delivered, but nothing spoken, by him that thought it, to persude her any fur- ther. And this the party doth confesse, without any variance in his talke, albeit he hath bin strictly and sundrie times examined. I will enquire for the copies of bothe his letters, and send them untoyow: but for the messengers confession, because it is tedious, and in Dutche, and in the Fiscal handes and is in substance no other, then I have repor- ted, I doe not esteeme it, to be worthy the sending. He remaineth yet in prison, but the sentence of justice is not past uppon him. To informe your L. in a worde, what I thinke of this mater, Although I never had occasion, to dout in any jote of Sir Thomas Morgan his loialtie, yet I cer- tainely suppose, that by reason of these practises, and the often messages and caveats, that this Councell and his frindes have sent unto him, nether he himself heertofore was ever so vigilant, nor the Garrison so well garded, as it is at this present. Merode his aboadeMerode
wherof your L. doth demaund, is most as his Baronie of Peterson in the contrey of Liege, a neutral place. Where his usual conversation is all in good felowship, among men of no worthe and of base condition. The chief corps of h[is] living is in Brabant, albeit he hath muche in fol.32rLater Addition: Belgia 1590
in Liege, and in Juliers, and heere in Holland: and is esteemed, by those that knowe it, to amountMerodes lyvehood 3000ll
by the yere to 3000 li sterling. His wife is al- waies at Helmonde, by Roterodame: in which place, and at Riderskerke a village adjoining, she hath her greatest stay of living: which is valewed yerely to 400 li sterling all maner of paiments to the contrey abated, and her dowairie mony reckned, for which she receaveth every yere 200 li of the Count of Cullenbourgh her brother. His sonne /is/ with theMerodes sonn
Enemie, and foloweth the warres, at the charges of his father, being almost inheritor to all his pos-[Merode]
sessions. The portion of his two daughters, by this woman, is their fathers benevolence, having nothing present of themselves, and litle in reversion only she that is the yongest, which is the Lady Knolles ether hath already, or is dewe to have, 80 li land by the yere, by the gift of an Aunt, as I am given to understand. There are also other two alive, that were daughters to his daughter, by a former wife. sister and heire to the Marquis of Berghen, that died in Spaine: of which the eldest ma- keth title, by the right of her mother to the Marqui- sat of Berghen, and is, as I am informed, to en- joie the third of the landes of Merode, that lie in Brabant, by certain covenants in mariage.Wheras your L. doth declare, that her Majestie is desirous, to have her forces; that are not heere in Garrison in the 4 townes, to be transported into
the forces to be Carried into brytayn
Brittaine, To signifie shortly my privat opinion, I thinke it first impossible, to persuade with this peo- ple, to like of that motion: and to proceede therein against their willes, it will prove undoubtedly fol.32vLater Addition: Belgia 1590
very troblesome and difficult. And whether secondly it were expedient, to attempt it at this time, in this doutfull state, and while the Enemie is oc- supied in Proposal of a peace, I referre the con- sideration to your L. wisdome. Besides, the nom- ber is so smalle, that can be drawen from hens, as the inconvenience doth appeare, to be greater then the benefit. For when the Garrisons of Ostende and Flushing shall be so renforced, as her Majestie doth determine, with fower other companies, the remainder, in my conjecture, will arrive very hardly to 1200 men. Lastly whether it will[1200] men to be spared
not be a mater to dismay this people, to animat the Enemie, and to give occasion, that when her Majesties assistance shall be called from hens, he may ehter more boldy send his succors into France, or assaile these Provinces with a greater furie, it seemes in my opinion a necessary consultation. But be it spoken with submission to your. L correction, if her Majestie being moved with the unworthy courses of this nation, with the daily supportes that thei minister] to the Enemie, and with the excessive consumption of her Treasure at home, shall resolve therupon to lessen her burden, and to ridde her handes of these contreis, It would be bothe the safest and the easiest proceeding, to execut her purpose, by certaine degrees, and at several times, and by coullerable meanes. And in all probablitie, there will be, er be long, very fitte opportunities to serve the turne in that respect. For if the levie purposed Levie of 300 foote, and 300 horse300 footemen 300 horss
wherof I have written heertofore unto your L. shall take fol.33rLater Addition: Belgia 1590
that effect, that this Councell doth expect, the perill then will be lesse, and the contrey more con- tented. I send your L. heerewith the names and qualities, aswell of those Deputies that represent the states, as of those that assembleNames of the states and of the Counsell
in the Councel of state. I have sent the same list in a former letter, whiche whether yow have receaved or would have it sett downe with other additions, when I knowe your L. pleasure, I will doe it accor- dingly. I acquainted your L. in my last, with the states resolution, to write unto the Em-the states to the Emproor and the [princes]
peror, and to certaine Germaine Princes, to pre- vent their intention, for the Ambassade of Peace. Their letters are written, and sent to that effect the 1 of this moneth, by an ordinarie post: and I have sent yow herewith a translated copie.There is intelligence heere from Collen, that the religious houses in those quarters are secretly enjoined to extraordinarie praiers, for the happy successe of some enterprise in hand, upon the contrey of Holland. What is meant ther- by we knowe not. We have assu- red newes, that Montigny the Marquis of Rentz [In margin: Montigny Marquis of [.]]
is deceased, and that his sonne, which is very yonge, is come to Brussels, with a very great traine of his fathers folowers.
The Count Overstein, without ether commission or priv-
Count oversteyn
itie of the Councel of state, or of the General states, hath raised 600 horse, and 800 foote, of the Garri- sons of Guelderland, and hath bin absent this mo- neth, in the diocesse of Collen, which is a neutral state, and there upon the confines towardes Hassia, hath spoiled a towne called Gyseken, and wastedGyesken
the contrey in many places: wherewith the people of these contreis are deepely displeased. What fol.33vLater Addition: Belgia: 1590
hath moved him to make this roade, because his returne is but newly advertised, and himself sins his going hath not written to the state, it is yet unknowen unto us. But these are [parcel] of the fruites of this disordered state, where is nether governor, nor government, but a masse of con- fusion in all their proceedinges.The vicount of Turen, and Sir Horace Pallavicino
Vicount Turyn Sir Horatio Pallavicino
departed from Utrecht, the 10 of this moneth: from whens they were accompanied with Count Hollocke, who hath taken the charge of their conduction thorowe the countrey of Westphalia, with a convoy of these contreis, of certaine cornets of horse, and com- panies of foote. And at this very instant I am advertised from Sir Horace, that they are safely arrived at Waggeninge, which is in Guelders,Waggening
whiche he requesteth me by letter, to signifie to your L.Having greatly desired for a fitte opportunitie
Master bodeleys retorn
to breake with your L. about my returne, it is nowe presented in suche sort, as I am very much emboldened, to crave your assistance. It is full two yeres and two monethes, that I have served in this place. Howe well I may have served, for discharge of my duty, I submitte my self therein to her Majesties censure. But I pro- test unto your L. I have founde it for mine owne part a mervelous unpleasant, and troble some peece of service. Whiche yet I speake not in respect of any troble to my self; for I will not be trobled, where her Majestie must be ser- ed: but for the froward proceedinges, which the states of these contreis have held with her Highnes. The con- sideration wherof, and of the time already past fol.34rLater Addition: Belgia 1590
of my aboade in this place, as also of the Answear that was lately given by the states, whereby the causes of these contreis are brought to some issue, doth put me in good hope, that your L. will vouche- safe, as I am humbly to intreat yow, to speake in my behalf, that her Majestie will be pleased, to calle me from hens. To declare unto yow plainly, howe it standeth with me, I have speciall occasion to be earnest herein, and to pray your good L. to be earnest for me. For my buisneses at home, in my privat estate are farre out of order, and doe greatly require my presence with my frindes. I woulde specifie wherein, and tell the particularities of some causes: but it is not that which I intend, to weerie your L. with reportes of my domesticall affaires. I trust it may suffice, that I have signified truly my estate unto yow: which if your L. shall respect, and move her Majestie to doe the like, I doe not /dout/ of obtening a gratious answear to my sute. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. January 14 1590. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. BodleyPostscript: For that the Advocat Fiscal, to whome the letters of Merode, were committed to be kept, is not presently at home, I will send the transcriptes by the next.
I trust this bearer for his diligence and speede will deserve some rewarde, and because the cariage of these letters is his chiefest errand.
Before I had closed up my letter understanding of the Fiscals returne, I sent for the forsaid copies, whiche I send heereinclosed.