Later Addition: Belgia: 1590:
The effect of a motion made unto me, by a principal person of the states.Knowing, as he did, the perfect State of every Province, he was very well assured, that they were not in case to rembourse soe great a summe as her Majestie required, or as they, if they could would willinglie accord to her satisfaction: nevertheles to manifest their gratitude by suche meanes as they were able, he thought the Contrey might be drawen by force of good persuasion to these particular grauntes.
To acquite her Highnes presently of all the charges of her auxiliarie forces in these Contreis, and also os the cautionarie, whensoever her Majestie shalbe pleased to redeliver their townes.
To make an yerly payment of 20000li sterling to be presented her with an honorable ambassade, and to continue the saide paiment for a certaine number of yeres, as the agreement shalbe made between her Highnes and them.
To assist her with their shipping, or other meanes whatsoever to their uttermost abilitie, upon anie requisition, in all her occasions.
Not to enter into Treatie of peace with the K. of Spaine, or to conclude with any potentat any mater of importance, without her Highnes foreknowledge and special allowance.
To pay unto her Majestie after suche time as their Contrey shalbe brought to a peaceable state, or become united with the rest of the Provinces the yerly summe of a 100000li for the space of 4, 5, or more yeres, as by contract shalbe accorded. [In margin: I make no doubt of this summe, albeyt he would not name it precisely unto [me].]
He thought the consent of the States might be wonne to the foresaid Articles upon this onely condition. That during the tyme of their trobles and warres, they may be per- mitted to entertaine to the nomber of 4000 English souldiers to be alwayes renforced as occasion shalbe offered. And this they doe desire, to the ende the worlde may conceave, that they continue still protected and defended by her Majestie whose countenance fol.2v
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590:
countenance they acknowledge to steede them /as/ muche as the quantitie of her succors. And if her Highnes could be pleased to stryke up all kinde of reckninges with this frindly conclusion, he was undoubtedly persuaded it would give a very great contentment to the inhabitants of those Provinces, prove a singular conservation of the auncient amitie and alliance between the two nations, and redound in all posteritie to her Highnes commendation, wheras any other course of stricter dealing with them would both be dislyked of all other Princes, that favor their cause, and happelie not effected, but by violence and force, which might presently occasion their utter confusion, and tur[n] her Majestie in lyke manner to some irreparable inconvenien[ce]Endorsed: copie of my Ouverture.