fol.227vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord Highe Treasuror of England.
Endorsed: 19 November 1590 Master Bodeleie to my L./.
Later Addition: 19 November 90
May it please your L. The pensioner, of whose intent I advertised your L. the 28 of October and the 3 of November is returned: who bringeth worde for certaine, that there is no innovation in either of those two places, that were specially noted in the plotte, that I sent yow. For he hath imploied a man of purpose, to take a view of the towne: by whome he is informed, that the fort only, and the walle adjoining to it, which is marked in the forsaid plotforme with the letter M: which was also that place, that was meant to be attempted by those that failed of their purpose, is better fortified. Otherwise, saving that the Garrison is somwhat renforced, they have altered nothing in the towne.
Moreover it hath fallen out very happely, that the other party, that is of Zeland, with whome the pensioner heere doth keepe correspondence, (as I have written unto yow in my former let- ters) hath bin lately in Piccardie, uppon occa- sion of buisnes, and hath mette there by chaunce, with one of his old acquaintance, an inhabitant at this present, of the towne afore signified, a man very resolut, honest and religious: and one that is usually there imploied about the water workes, specially those that appertene to the passa- ges through the letter F. This man procee- ded so farre, in communication about the state of that towne, and the weaknes therof in sundrie places, that he gave to understand, if it were to procure the libertie of his contrey, he would revele as muche as he knewe of certaine fol.226v
commodious entrances, and would not refuse to hasard himself, with any companies, that should be sent by any Prince, to attempt the surprise. The other, notwithstanding this insinuation made unto him, by a speciall frind, and one that li- veth in the towne it self, thought it not behoofull as then, to discover himself further, then in ge- neral termes: so that then they departed, affected both alike, but not resolving upon any thing. Nevertheles he of Zeland doth build very muche, upon the good inclinacion of the said party, and upon his meanes, to advaunce the enterprise. For whiche he hath sent me worde by the pensioner, that er it be long, he will be with me at the Hage, to conferre of the mater, and if I shall thinke it good, he will make a voiage of purpose into Piccardie, and send for his frind to come thither unto him: with whome he will enter into further /practise/ as I shall advise him. Uppon this offer I doe attend his comming, and thereafter as his re- monstrance unto me, shall carie probablitie, I will urge him, to goe seeke his frind, and to worke so effectually with him, as he maye be interessed in the action. I can not write of this mater so plainely as I would, albeit it be plainer, then I would willingly adventure, if I had a cipher: whiche yor I trust your L. if yow finde it needefull, will send me with the soonest. Howbeit for mine owne endevors in this mater, I hope to deale in suche sort, as ether that whiche is intended, shall be thorowly effected, fol.227r
or nothing undertaken to her Majesties prejudice. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. November 19 1590. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley