fol.198vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuror of England.
Endorsed: 19 August 1590 Thomas bodeley. sent by Master Wylkes who cam to london
Later Addition: 19 August 90
May it please your good L. It were to be tedious unto yow, and to wronge Master Wilkes, to adver- tise any thing at this present. For whatsoever may concerne the affaires of our charge, or is otherwise worthy to be written from hens, is equaly knowen to ether of us bothe, and we vary not in judgement, in any point of im- portance. Whiche I testifie the rather, because there are in England of his frindes, and he hath done me the favor, to shewe me their letters, whiche have endevored to persuade him, that both I am not his frind, and have sought his disgrace, in all my letters to his your L. They doe injure me in it, as your L. knoweth, and he himself is so persuaded, upon mine owne declaration. Nevertheles because no man can acquite me better then your L. I beseeche yow very humbly, to assure him of your self, that I am charged unjustly. For I protest unto yow, that in all our actions and opinions, we have alwaies concurred: and his care hath bin so great, for perfour- mance of his service, as I thought my self happy, that we were joined in Commission. Whiche I speake in respect of our mutual agreement: and otherwise also, for that I hope at his returne, some others will surcease to imagine, as they have done, very hardly in truth, and very partialy of me. as if these men heere, that are so crosse unto her Majestie fol.197v
were very good patriots, that my reportes were made upon passion, and that I sought not the meanes, to make a good correspondence. Howe good patriots they are, and howe true it is, that I have certified, it was plaine enough before, by the maner of their dealing. But yet I trust Master Wilkes will make it more apparant: as in the meane season I can say for my self, and say very truly, that it was not possible for me, to have assaied better meanes, to put all thinges in a course of good correspondence, then I in my qualitie have put in practise in this place. To have it otherwise conceaved, is some discou- ragement unto me: but I am hartened againe with her Majesties acceptation of my careful ende- vors, wherein I knowe by many proofes, your L. hath held a very honorable hand: as I acknowledge it most humbly, and in the thank- fullest maner, that my affection can expresse. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. August 19 Anno 90 Your L most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: I perceave by your L. last to Master Wilkes, that yow have not receaved the note of the names and qualities of those that sitte in the assemblie of the general states, and the Councel of state; which I sent unto yow about 2 moneths sins, wherof the copie is heereinclosed.