f.320vLater Addition: June 90
Addressed: June 1590. Memorial of the lettre from her Majestie to Master Bodley for joyning with master Wilkes.
Trusty and welbeloved we gret you well. wher of late we sent our servant Thomas Wylkes on of the clerkes of our Counsell thyther to treate with the States Generall of those United Provynces and with the Counsell of State about certen matters concerning our service, and the weale of those Countries, wherin he is directed to use your advise as on long acqueyntid at the state of those Countries. which we dout not but yow will gyve to the best of your understandyng yet we have thought good by these presentes to authorise yow to Joyne with our sayd servant in all the actions Committed to his chardg, as uppon th and so we will and reqre yow to the furtherance of our service committed to hym by Instructions both from our self, and from certen of our Counsell, wherof uppon the sight hereof we dout not but he will mak yow privie, and willyngly use your advise./