fol.50vAddressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham Knight Principal Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 18 April 1590 Master Bodeley to Master Secretary Walsingham decessed./
Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodeley and Master Wilkes their letters from the Haugh
Later Addition: 18 April 90
It may please your H. to be advertised, that I receaved yoour letters of the 6 of Marche, the 5 of April, together with her Majesties to the General states, and to Count Maurice. The General states have dispatched copies of her Highnes letters to their Provinces, from whome they expect a speedy resolucion. In the meane season they seeme to make no difficultie, about the accomplishing of her demaunde. Also Count Maurice, being Admiral, hath promised therein his uttermost furtherance, declaring unto me, that all their shippes are in a very good readines, and that there wanteth no more, but the Contrey to resolve, and her Majestie to send hither. The present answear which is made by those that are heere for the Gene- rall states, I have sent your H. heerewith, and likewise a letter from the Court.
The late charge, whiche I receaved from my LL. of the Councel, with my L. Treasurors letter, contening divers pointes, wherein I was to deale with the General states, I have answeared in my letter to my LL. and to my L. Trea- suror, from whome it may please your H. to receave the informacion, of all that I have certified. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. April 18. 1590 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley