Letter ID: 0881
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.197r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0881/000
Date: 24 November 1589
Copy of: 0226


Endorsed: To my L Tresuror November 24. 89


Later Addition: Belgia 1589 24 November To my Lord Treasurer

It may please your L. this bearer Monsieur Lect being sent unto hir Majesty by the city of Geneva to declare the lamentable state whertoo they be reduced, & to receave some convenient relieffe hath bin driven into these Provinces by contrairety of winde & the opportunity serving hath delt with the generall States, unto whom also hee hath letters of request for theyr charitable ayde. Theyr answere unto him hath bin very favourable er that they [[.]] promise without delay to write very earnestly unto theyr Provinces & Townes & they to procure a general contribution & [ceasement] or some private collection by waie of benevolence seeming to bee moved with more compassion then most men expected, & because to attend the [retourne] of [aunswer] from theyr Principals & then after the collection of that which will happely bee graunted doth require a great deale of time, which [the] quality of his message may by no meanes affourd he is advised by them to leave a sollictor behinde & himself to departe for Englande, which being th'effect of that he hath negotiated heer, I thought yt my duty to acquaint your L. with it & so take my humble leave. November 24. 89