Letter ID: 0880
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.195r-196v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0880/000
Date: 18 December 1589
Note: The final page (fol.196v) comprises the address leaf. The endorsement is hidden under the flap of paper from where the seal has been cut away.
Copies: 0887 addressleaf
Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 18 December 1589 From Master Bodleigh at the Hage.
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 November December 18
It may please your H. the prisonner Vasseur is at length delivered, but with very muche troble and sute, as the bearer herof Sir William Russels servaunt, who hath folowed it long, with exceeding great paines, can certifie your H., who hath also the copie of the sentence, whereby they bannishe him out of these Provinces, for the space of 3 yeres. By a servaunt of Master Vicechamberlaine I recea- ved two from your H. three daies past: one was of the 26 and the other of the 28 of Novem. and a third from my LLof the Councell, of the 12 of the same moneth: wherein I am required to declare unto the Generall states, what order her Majestie hath taken, for repairing the breaches of the sea at Ostende: whiche I minde to doe at their next assembly, and will signifie their answear. I have also made knowen to the Councell of state her Majesties licence graunted to my L. Burgh, for his returne for a time, and for Captain Priceto go= verne in his absence: wherunto they used no speeche, but only sett it downe for a note in their register. It is advertised hither out of Gelderland, that the waters are risen so highe in those quarters, that the Enemies fortes about Bercke and Rees are in daunger to be caried away. About fortnight sins the Count Harmon van Berghen, finding a fitte opportunitie by meanes of the frost, made a roade into Friseland and burned a certaine Dorp, not farre from Lewarden. But returning backe, as he passed by a watche house, himself was hurt wwith a muskett shotte, and Villiers the Governor of Steinwicke, and some fewe besides of his company slaine. fol.195v
It freeseth at this present very hard in these con- treis: and if it so continewe, the English troupes that are in Holland, must againe towardes Gorchum. Also this frost doth lette the conveiance of letters between me and Joest van Cleve at Embden, about the mater of Groninghen, wherof I doe expect by his next letter, that I shall be able to conjecture what good effect will ensewe. For he hath partly al- ready broken the ice, having written about it to some principall persons that are in Groninghen, who have also returned a frindly answear: and procured him a passeport of the towne, to repaire thither unto them. or otherwise they offer to send some fitte person to Embden, v to conferre with him there. And it was his purpose, within six daies after the dispatche of his last unto me, Whiche was written six weekes sins, to send my letter, wherof long sins I sent your H. the copie, into the towne: so as by his next, I hope to have somwhat of more worthe to advertise yor H. If those within, to whome he hath written, doe not seeke to entrappe him (whiche he is cir- cumspect enough, and wanteth no advise, to forsee) there is sufficient cause to hope for a happy sequele, or at lest of some distourbance in the Enemies courses. My writing in this mater to the gentlemen of Frise, uppon Persivals speeches, was a great expense of time, without any fruite. For I attended a great whyle for their direction, whiche proved in the ende to be the same, as I had put in practise before with Joest van Cleve. It is a good comfort unto me that your H doth intimat of her Majesties intention, at my L. of Buckhurstes comming hither, to make a perfect triall, howe fol.196r
this people doth stand united unto her. I doe finde it otherwise, for mine owne part, a most wea- risome place of service, not knowing where her Majestie could send me, where for mine owne part I would not goe with more willingnes, and farre better hope to give her Highnes satisfaction with some fruite of my travels. I had never no hope in this place, as yor H. understoode me, of a perfect correspon- dence. For I knowe it is impossible, as long as some have the sway. But I am forced heere to hold it for a part of good correspondence, if her Majesties sub- jectes and ministers may be intreated in suche competent good sort, as they may not be driven, by meanes of their badde usage, to refuse to doe them service. For by your H. letters heeretofore, and by her Majesties courses, I have alwaies found it esteemed a mater of infinit daunger, if her Highnes should withdrawe her forces from hens: and yet unles her Majestie make shewe of some actual proceeding in that respect, I see no other way, but that her Highnes must perforce continewe her wonted pa[tience &] serve her owne turne for the time, and [withst]and the common Enemie with suche a forward correspon- dence as is heere at this present. I have had no conference as yet with Paul Bus, to whome Master Gilpin hath delivered your letter. He hath many times made promise to come unto me: but his aboade is at Leiden, and one thing or other doth put him still from his purpose. Uppon the receat of your H. letter he hath appointed without faile, to be with me very shortly. But what he will impart, I can not conjecture. He is muche discontented with the state aswell as others, and can better brooke of any man, then of Barnevelt, who succeeded Advocat after him. fol.196v
Having nothing els at this present, wherwith to troble your H. I take my humble leave. From the Hage. December 18. 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley