fol.181vAddressed: To our very Loving frend Thomas Bodley Esquier. one of the Assistantes for her Majesty in the Councell of State in the United Provinces of the Lowe Countryes.
Endorsed: Letter from the Counsell touching repare of Ostend. 12 November 89
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 12 November to Master Bodly
After our hartye Comendacions: Whereas you have here bene heretofore by direction from her Majestie and from us required to solicite the States Generall of those united Provinces, concerning the reparacion of the Sea breaches at ostend, who (as by your lettres appeareth) have not in more then three monethes sithence the deliverie of her Majesties pleasure therein vouchesafed any answer, whereat her Majestie and we doe not a lyttle marvayle considering of what importance yt it unto them to have that Towne preserved and kept from the handes of the enemye. Her Majestie nevertheless regarding ther safeties more than they doe themselves, and foreseing that the matter will admitt no furder delaye, but that either the Towne must be forthwith abandoned, or some presente defence made against the sea for the preservacion of her subjectes there in garrison, if they shall continue the guarde of the same hathe taken order that one Companie of her auxiliarie forces shalbe presently Cassed, and the ordenarye paye of the said Companie for one whole yere converted to the repayring of the said breaches, as by an order in that behalf sett downe by her Majesties expresse Comaundement shall appeare unto you a Copie whereof you shall receave heerinclosed, together wherewith you shall acquainte the said States generall, to the ende they may take no exception to the cassing of the said band as in reason the[y] ought not considering the money wherewith the same is to be mainteynd shalbe employed in the repayring and preserving of one of ther owne Townes of as great importance as anie within the Provinces United, and is but for the forbearaunce of one Companie of ther ordinary strengthe for the tyme: and shall signifye unto them that her Majestie dothe looke they shall allowe thereof, and therefore you shall expressely require them in her Majesties name to cause a publicke acteLater Addition: Master Bodley