Addressed: To the right woorshipful my verie Lovinge freind Master Thomas Bodlie Esquier [o]ne of the Counsellors of estate for [her] Majestie in the Lowe Countries
Endorsed: 28 September 89 from Sir Francis Walsingham
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 September To Master Bodly
Sir, Her Majestie hath bene made acquainted withe yor Late lettres sent by Persivall, as also withe the reporte he hathe made touching the intelligence betwene Certaine of the Gentlemen of Frizeland devoted greatelie to her service, and certaine persons of the Towne of Groninghen who have a greate parte in the said Towne, and Likewise withe the desire the said gent have to deliver into her Majesties handes some principall Townes of the Province. And as in bothe theise theie are humble Sutors to understand by yow her Highnes pleasure and that yow maie be authorized to treate withe them, so she likethe verie well, and is pleased, that yow shall admitt to conference suche of the said Gentlemen of Frizeland as shall thinke good to repaire unto yow: and in conference with them that yow receave theire full intente and meaning withe such grownds of reson as maie geve yow occasion to enter into farther Consderacion of theire requeste and resolucion thereuppon. And first touching the Towne Groninghen in case yow shall finde that the ende of their speeches tende to drawe her Majestie into the accion of their defence, in such sorte as it maie breede a Charge unto her, and that theie of them selves (the Countries being so welthie as it is reported) shall not be able to maintaine sufficient forces to make head against the enemie: Yow shall then let them knowe that unles theie can make it probable that by their owne meanes theie shalbe able, having her Majesties Countenaunce, to defende them selves without anie Charge unto her Majestie, yow would be lothe to encoradge them to proceede in making anie suche overture, seing nowe howe greatlie she is otherwise burdened for the maintenaunce of the Common Cause being assisted by no other princes, that are aswell interessed in the said Cause as her self. But on the other side in case theie shall make it apparante unto yow that the meanes are suche as having her Majesties onlie Countenaunce theie shalbe able not onlie to withstande the enemie but to annoye him, then would she have yow put them in Comforte to goe forward in the matter./As for the offer of the Townes menconed in your lettres she utterlie misliketh of that motion for that those Townes being members of Hollande and within the union, it would breede an exaumple of daungerous consequence to the whole state of the united provinces fol.25v
Later Addition: Master Bodlygh
and therefore in honor she rather enclineth to have the union invio- lablie kept then in anie sorte disunited or severed: and therunto will employe all her best meanes and endevors. And for that she Conceveth that the Desire proceedethe but onlie from defalte of the States Justice, and a hard Course held by the Governor of the Province towards them, she will take order at the L. Buck- hurstes repaire into those partes to have all discontentmentes betwene them and the said Governor and States heard, and frendlie ended within establishment of [.] amitie, and union amongest them before his Lps retourne.Her Majestie is geven by an other meanes to understand that the generall States of Frizeland have an intent to make offer of the sove- raignetie of that Province unto her. She would have yow to enfourme your selfe by all the meanes that yow maie whether that there be anie such entent. And if yow shall finde that there is anie suche meaning then would she have yow use all the best meanes yow maie to impeache the same as a thing that is like to bring Charges to her self and discontentment to the States.
I maie not omit to let yow understand that her Majestie is enfourmed that Count Hollock hathe some intelligence with those of Groninghen suche as if he maie onlie receive her Majesties Countenaunce he hopeth he shall performe the enterprise with verie good succes without anie Charges to her Majestie.
The Deputies of the States are uppon their departure hence. By the next dispatche yow shall receive what answere hath bene made to the thinges propounded by them.
The matters of Fraunce goe verie hardlie. The K. is beseiged within the Towne of Deipe, her Majestie sendethe over under the Charge of the L. Willoughby 4000 footemen well chosen and well appointed.
It is hoped when those forces shalbe arrived and the D. Longuevile with such nombers as he hath withe him being as he is reported 1000 foote and 3000 horse, that the D shalbe forced to encounter with the K or els to return. And so I bid yow farewell. From the Court at Otelans this xxvth of September 1589 Your verie loving freind. Francis Walsingham.