Endorsed: To Sir Francis Walsingham August 15 July
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 15 August To Master Secretary Walsingham
Yt may please your H. this day the generall States have sent me a coppy of the letter to hir Majesty, wherein they resolve astouching the Articles, wherof I have also sent your H. the coppy as I Rxd yt from them. Howbeit as I signified in my last unto yow their letter was sent awaie at the least 5 daies before they sent me the coppie to th'end no doubt that they might not be prevented by any note or advertisement that I might writ upon yt from hens. I did alwaies stand in doubt that they had not sent yt to theyr principals, which now is very easy to be seen by the forme of their answer. as likewise for that otherwise they would have signified e Answer of theyr principals, but all their dealing is but dalliance considering they might have answered as they do a great while since, & not hold hir Majesty so long in suspense in matters of such moment, & that required such speed. There is nothing more certaine then that if they could obteyn those first requestes, which their lettre doth mention. they will never bring the articles into treaty. In my last I gave your H. to understand of the exceding weake state of the forces of these contreys. of a 1500 Flemishe which I signified them upon report of the Counsell to be with Count Maurice I do since understand by a letter from the Count to the Councill that they were never more then 1000 of which he made [.] to have sent 500 into [Huesden], but he hath since understood whereof he could not have [.] but 5 daies after that there entred no more into the Towne but 140 the rest being taken & killed by the Enemy so that there are now lese of the Flemish companies with the Count 500 which together with the English may reatche to 1300 which ar all that ar about Gorchum with Count Maurice. & by all the Enquiry that I can make there are very few more, then as many more that can be spared from theyr garrisons in all these provinces. Unles it were 500 horse or thereaboutes which is all that they can make & leave their garrisons furnished with some 100 more. Besides the horse of the English which I was the willinger to signify thus precisely that your H might observe how much hir Majesty is wronged by the Deputies report The Count doth send us word that the Ennemy doth send of his forces towardes Heel, which he also writeth canot hold out long yf yt come to battery. The french Embassador hath had no answer as yet but for ought I can parceave they are willing enough to accord his request, yf they knew which waie to make any mony. It is thought by some that they will gather yt abroade by the Pole not by forcing any man, but by waie of Benevolence. & thus referring your H to that which I have written furder to my L Treasurer I take my humble leave. From the Hage Aug 15. 89.Postscript: [In margin: Postscript]
I am every day & earnestly sollicited by the English companies that serve with Sir Martin Schenck to become a sutor in they behalf that in regard of the service, & of the travell & losse which they have susteyned, they might receave some extraordinary reliefe uppon theyr payment. Sir John Pooly writeth that of 120 horses which he caried forthe there are scarsely 50 retourned.