Endorsed: To my L Treasuror the 14 August 89
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 14 August To my Lord Tresurer
It may please your L. It should seeme by conference that I & Master Gilpin have hadd with some in this place that there ar those which will endeavour to have hir Majesty moved to appoint Count Maurice Lieutenant Generall of hir highnes forces into these countreyes, which I cannot write as a thing assured, but consyderyng the parsons & theyr maner of communication, I have so good cause to suspect yt as I thought yt very necessary to be imparted with your L. whether yt be intended that the matter should be moved by some wellwillers of the Count, or so handled otherwise as yt might onely seeme to proceed from hir Majesty, I cannot well conjecture, nor yet parceave by theyr speches whether yt would bee an acceptable matter to the generall States, albeit it is pretended that yt would be utterly disliked. The parties that ministered occasyon of this conference ar accounted very honest, well affected to her Majestye & of good reputacion, But not to comber your L with mayny circumstances They lamented very much the feeble state of thes countreys for want of good order in government, & unfayned correspondence with her Majestye with many speeches to that purpose, conceeding upon yt that unles hir Majestye could be [woon] to take the soverainty upon hir, or lay some other plott with this people, then is put in practise at this present yt would be unpossible for this countrey to hold out long against the Enemy. Being heerupon moved by us to deliver what other plott might be proposed, they thought that there could no better course be taken then for hir Majestye to accept of Count Maurice for hir lieutenant generall, & to declare to the Provinces that in respect of the ill accord which hath bin ever between her highnes chief ministers & them, shee can be pleased to comyt the regiment of hir Auxiliary forces to some principall parson of theyr nation who together with the counsell of State being better established, might take such order in all thinges as were requysyt. this they thought would make very muche for the [concurement] of the commune cause & occasyon a greater union between hir Majesty & these countreys. They added withall that yt would also cause the matche to go forward between the Countesse of Beuren & the Count Hohenlo. whom they thought yt also likely that Count Mauricein that caise would appoint his Lieutenant. And likewise that Count Maurice might be drawen by that meanes to matche with some Englishe house, & knitt a parfect & parpetuall knott of amity & alliance between the two nations. Upon these & other like partinent discourses we demaunded, were yt so that her Majesty could be in duced to like of such a notion. whether they thought yt fytt that her highnes of her self should make offer of such a singular favour to the Count Considering the Coldenes /devotion/ which his excellency hath alwaies shewed in furthering of hir Majesties causes, & the slender courtesy that all those of fol.77v