Letter ID: 0836
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.238r-240v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0836/000
Date: 28 May 1589
Note: In some places where Bodley has addressed his correspondent, 'your L' has been amended to 'your H'.


Later Addition: Belgia 28 Maij 1589

Later Addition: Annno 1589 May 28 / touching the Mutiny of Bergen op Soom and [my lady] of Kent / Wingfield, Air Antony Winckfild wyff / and off Ostende

It may please your H. immediatly uppon the writing of my last the 15 of this present, I departed from the Hage for Berghen up Zoome, and heere I have continued these 10 daies, with some other Commissioners which the Councell of state hath sent hither with me, and to suche purpose, as I have signified in my former lettres. The 22 of this present I receaved her Majesties lettre of the 18 and an other from my LL. of the Councell of the 13 of the same: wherto for answear to her Highnes lettre, it may please your L to ad- vertise, that I was no sooner come hither, but I might pre- sently perceave, that the states of these Provinces have done a great deale of wrong to the Governor, Captaines, and the rest of this Garrison. For though it can not be denied but that there are disorders among them, as it can not other wise choose, where so many live in Garrison, yet the most part will be easely remedied, and there are none in that degree, in respect of any daunger to the towne, as her Majestie by their lettres hath bin boaren in hand. The division that was growen between the Governor and Captens, by the absence of some that are in England, and by the pre- sence and good cariage of Sir Francis Vere, was very muche appeased, before I came hither: and since I have bin care- full, to make the accord more perfitte. And as for all other disorders, uppon the first motion of redresse that I made unto them, there was not one of them but offered very willingly to accept of any suche order, as I should commend unto them. Wheruppon I have caused them to promise reformacion of most maters complained of by the Councell of state, or presented by the Burgmasters of the towne, not being prejudiciall to the Treaty with her Majestie. The greatest difficultie that I found, was to induce the Cornets of my L. Willughby, and Sir Willi- am Russell to be contented to transport themselves into Gueldres to Sir Martin Schincke, for the rescue of Blienbeecke, wherof I writte in my last to your L. and I was earnestly solicited by the Councell of state to persuade them unto it. But they doe alleage, that they are not to folowe the direction of the states, or of any other, but of the L. Generall. Howbeit uppon declara- tion made, in conference with them, of the necessitie of this present service, and that their being heere is for the ser- vice of the Contrey, as likewise that in my L. Generals fol.238v
absence, I did not dout but her Majestie would be pleased that uppon urgent occasions some part of her forces might be disposed by the states of the Contrey, they have yelded to goe the voiage, and to receave Sir Francis Vere for their commaunder: wherto I have used some instance to persuade him, in respect of his good government, for the affection which all the souldiers beare him, and because he hath the office of serjant Major generall. Besides, Sir Thomas Morgan, whose advise in this mater I have used continually, doth undertake the defense of the towne in their absence, without requiring any supplie, and hath also sent unrequested a choise company of a 150 foote with them: and all embarked, as this day. I have writ- ten to Sir Martin Schincke that they may be well intreated, and I have dealt by letter with the Councell of State to doe the like, that it may be a beginning of greater good liking and amitie between us. Moreover because it is uncer- taine howe long they may be abroade, I have intreated Sir Thomas Shirleis deputy to advance certaine weekes len- dinges to eche company: wherto he hath bin willing, and I hope my proceeding in these affaires will stand with her Highnes pleasure. It were too muche to troble your L. with all suche occasions of offense, that the Governor and Captaines heere might justly conceave against the states of the Contrey. Their owne souldiers in this towne are farre more dissolute then ours, and for want of paiment and other good order from them, committ many outrages up- pon the bowers of the contrey, whiche is often reported to the reproche of the Inglishe nation, because the greater nomber of the Garrison doth consist of them. In effect, I do manifestly finde that the badde offices, and undiscret advertisments, that are given under hand by their Commissaries and petit officers making mountaines of molhils, and reporting many thinges untruly and maliciously, hath given a great occasion of these misconstructions: and withall the states owne gelousie and credulitie is so immoderat in every ma- ter, as it will hardly permitt any good correspondence betweene her Majestie and them. The report of their deputies heere, that are joined with me in Commission, can not but occasion a great deale of good, when they fol.239r
shall returne to the Councell of state. For they doe plain- ly see, and confesse, and promise to testifie, that they were very muche abused, by wrong informacions.

Notwithstanding that all thinges were sufficiently orde- red and compounded, before her Highnes letters came hither: yet the Governor and I made knowen what her Majestie had written in all thinges: and I signified a part to Sir Thomas Morgan, what offence her Majestie had con- ceaved against him, for his rashe usage in publishing her letter written to my L. Willughby. Wherto his answear is that he did it very unwillingly, and provoked unto it by Captain Salisburies speeches, who vaunted in open audience to have as great a part in the towne as the Governor: wheruppon for feare of further mischief, and greater division among the souldiers, he thought it his best course to publishe her Majesties pleasure in that letter: wheras otherwise he hath alwaies honored my L Willughby, and doth protest, that he doth desire, and will seeke to deserve his favour, with all maner of good endevours. Moreover I caused all her Majesties captaines and companies, at severall times, and in troupes, to take their othe of obedience to Sir Thomas Mor- gan as their Governor: which they did in my presence, without any maner of difficultie. And as for those of Gertrudenbergh, that were offensive to the states, they are already gone into England, saving my Lady of Kent, who is heere with some fewe in her familie. The Councell of state hath sett downe an article in our commission, to cause her to be removed from hens. But I have travailed with these that are joined with me, and they are in part contented, in respect of her sexe, of her calling, of her present want of mony to furnishe her homewardes, and for other like causes, not to urge the mater any further, and yet the Councell of state and Sir Thomas Morgan Count Maurice calle uppon them for it very instantly. Sir John Wingfild is still at Breda, detened partly for debt, and partly, as the Governor there doth write hither, uppon com- maundement of the Duke: to whome there is a trompet sent from hens, with letters from my Lady: albeit it is not yet certainly knowen, whether he be dead or alive. fol.239v
I have written divers letters to those of Dort about my La. childe, to whiche I have receaved no answear as yet. In my jorney hither, I was divers waies let- ted for going by the towne: but I purpose to take it in my returne. The Escoutette chief justicer of the towne hath surceased his sute, uppon my letters, but the mercer will not yeld: and (to deliver it in secre- cie to your L.) I doe suspect /by/ that the communciation which I have had with my La that the mercer taketh hold of some offer that was made by my La. to the partener of the said mercer at Gertrudenbergh, That she should pawne her child for her debt: whiche my La. doth confesse unto me that she offered, but that it was not accepted. But whether it be nowe claimed by the mercer, and the childe detened uppon pretext of that offer, I can not understand. It is also told me that Sir John Wingfild himself hath signed a writing sins his being in prison, by whiche he licenceth his credi- ors to keepe his child, till his debtes be all dischar- ged, aswell former, as those he shall make during the time of his imprisonment. At my being in Dort I shall knowe the certaintie of all. In the meane wh[ile] my La. is farre out of patience, sheading teares co[n-] tinually and lamenting her estate. For mine owne part, whatsoever I can doe, or devise I will not faile to practise for her: but in regard of her impa- tience, it were a great deale better for her, to be in England then heere, where she hath litle company or comfort fitte for her Estate. I send your L. heerwith the states answear to that proposition which I made unto them in her Majesties name about the towne of Ostend, wherof I sent the copie with my last letter. It seemed by your letters written unto me the 1 and 5 of this present, that her Majesties meaning wa[s] not to withdrawe her forces from thens, unles the states would refuse to fortifie the towne, or diffe[r] it. Howbeit by your L. last of the 8 of this moneth whiche I receaved in this towne, it should appeare that her Highnes resolucion was not conditionall, but that she was purposed to abandon the towne, unles the fol.240r
states will receave it presently into their owne charge. Because it is a mater of special moment, and her Majesties intention doutfull unto me, I trust it will not dislike her Highnes if I doe attend an other direction, before I proceede to those peremptorie termes with the states, who, as by their answear may also appeare, doe thinke them- selves wronged by those that made the report of suche ex- treme daunger towardes to the towne. I have sent an answear to my LL. of the Councell, as touching those proofes which they require from the generall states in my L. Willughbies causes: which, by reason of mine absence from the Hage, I can not procure so soddainly: but I mind within these two daies to repaire thither, and to send their answear, immediatly after.

For other occurrences I am not in a place that will yelde any great mater. Hoesden is besieged by the Ennemie: but, as they give it out, sufficiently stoa- red of victual and men to defend it self. There is also a rumour at this present, that the house of Hele in Bommels Weert is besieged. What provision is made for preser- vation of those places, I shall not learne, till I come to the Hage. They have lately choisen 10 newe cap- taines, and given them commmission to Levie so many companies: but all men are so lothe to serve the states, as it will be long before those companies be raised. and otherwise, leaving their Garrisons furnished, I can not see that they can drawe to any service above 3000 in all these Provinces. Our Englishe compa- nies in this towne are indifferent complete, and full of very able and talle souldiers. And thus for this pre- sent I take my leave of your L. most humbly. From the Hage /Berghen/ May 28. 89 From Berghen. Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley