Letter ID: 0831
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.227r-228v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0831/000
Date: 15 May 1589


Endorsed: Copie of a letter to my L. Treasurer May 25. 89


Later Addition: Belgia 1589 15 May To my L Treasurer

It may please your L. yesterday I Rxd hir Majesties letter of the 2 of this moneth, & in the same pacquete 2 from your L one of the 1 and another of the 5 of the same. wherunto for aunswear yt may please your L. to advertise hir Highnes, that whereas by yours it appeareth, that former lettres have bin sent unto me about my dealing with the states for the Towne of Ostend, there have no such lettres come to my handes, onely 3 weeks synce I was written unto from Sir John Conwaie, & thereuppon sollicited the states very ernestly, so as they tooke present order aswell for fortefyeng the towne, as for fournishing of yt otherwise with munition & victuals: wherof I would have sent present word to your L but that I was suddenlye cast downe with an extreame dissentry, which made me unable for the time to shew any diligence in my service. And now consydering the states had already don that, which her Majesty desyred I stood in some doubt of acquainting them with her writing. Nevertheles for the better assurance of my owne discharge, & for that I know theyr [rechelesnes] in the execution of theyr owne resolutions, I thought best to frame a proposition unto them in such order as I send your L in the copy heerinclosed. Wherto I cannot say for theyr answear, because I am deputed with others to depart this present daie for Berghen up Zoome. For such causes as I signified 4 dayes past to Master Secretary, but I will send yt after with the fyrst opportunitye. In my Jorney toward Berghen I purpose to take Dordrecht in my way & to deale with the magistrates about the release of Sir John Wingfieldes childe. Wherin I would have don my best before now, but that I was never otherwyse informed of the case /but/ by a common brute, without message or letter from any that had charge of the childe. Likewyse at my coming to Berghen I will advise with the Countesse & her friendes by what meanes I may work Sir John Wingfield deliverance, which I cannot now imagine how I may compas. besydes that it will stand me uppon to walke very warely about yt, in respect of the tender humor of the states. For I am now but in a competent credyt among them, & yf yt should come to theyr knowledge that I do practise his deliverance, your L. will hardly beleave, how much they would stomack me & what conceates they will multiply uppon yt. which I do partly attribut to a malitious apprehensyon which is among thm for this present against our nation in generall: but in truthe I fynde yt by experience, & everydaye more, that a principall cause of theyr straunge consultations & courses ys the very Defect & imperfection of moste of theyr judgementes. I know, theyr continuall excercyse in fol.227v
matters of state & the common opinion that goeth of theyr wysdome may seeme to argue the contrary as also other ministers of hir Majesty, that have negotiated with them in plausible causes or not as I have had in charge in suche a nomber of matters that might greatly distaste them, may have otherwyse conceaved of theyr sufficiency, but me thinkes, for myne owne parte, I do see theyr weakenes so apparaunt, & in so many matters & continually, as I cannot chuse but in their pryvat sort to your L to censure them for yt. I should be very sory to understand that my L. of Buchurstes journey is staied by the coming of the Deputyes for his presence here above others hath bin chiefly desyred, & is daily now expected uppon hir Majesties writing, It is every mans opinion, that some speciall good will come of yt, & the common people will be greatly hartened when [the] shall see hir Majestyes care of theyr welfare so gratiously continewed. Moreover I am fully parswaded that the deputyes gon for England ar so weakly authorised, that theyr being there ys but litle better then so much lesse of tyme, & a cause of greater danger to thes countryes, where the goverment requireth a very speedy Reformation & may by theyr dalyance be put in some hazard. I have made them here partakers of your L advertisementes from Bruxelles of the [reconing] that Parma maketh to have so many townes of Holland at his devotion. which notwithstanding I hope will prove but a bruit, for I see no inclination in any to deale so farr with the Ennemy. Sir Martin Schenck hath bin here thes 3 weekes & ys almost come to a fynall accord with the states, but yet they have not resolved to confer the Marshals offyce uppon him, I do not doubt but the report of Parmaes death is come to your L which is almost assured is heer by Lettres from Andwerp & Bruxels, but the Authors credyt is not suche that we can hold yt for certayne, & yet the advertisement of his deadly sicknes hath bin often continued by sondry mens lettres. yt is also written hether that the governor of Cambray hath declared himself for the French king but we have yt not yet with good confirmacion. I have made the counsell of State very glad with your L. newes of Scotland & Fraunce, which we trust ere be long wilbe accompanyed with like good tidinges from the English fleet; so as all the world shall see Diligientibus Deum omnia cooperanj in bonum. &c./