Addressed: To the R. worshipfull my verie loving frend Master Bodeleie Esquier Counsellor for hir Majestie in the Counsell of Estate in the Lowe Cuntries.
Endorsed: From my L Treasurer. First May 89. for the persuadinge the states to take the Charge and deffence of ostende or to so fortefye the same as maye be with bothe their [homores], to maintayne it, also to procure the delyvery of Sir John Wingfeeld & his Ladye and an Infante Child oute of Prisone in theLocontreyes, of the Scotyshe Rebelles that Adherd with the Prince of Parma to enter Scotland to [Suberte] Relygion & invad [England, and the surcese of the wars of Fraunce 31 Eliz.
Later Addition: 1589 primo Maij To Master Bodly
Sir. Though I have verie litle Leisure at this tyme, yett the matter I have to write of, is of suche waight, to be expedited, as I maye not forbeare to write therof in some haste having Commoditie offred to send the same awaye by a servaunt of my L Willoughbies ready to take his passage to Graves end. I hope that yow have receyved lettres from hence for your dealinge with the States towching the towne of Ostend, althowgh by your lettres of the xxijth of Aprill, receyved this first night of May, yow make no mention thereof. But at this tyme I am Commanded by hir Majestie to renewe that matter in this sorte as Followeth, We have thought of longe tyme that the towne of Ostende, would prove either dangerous to be loste, or out of reason to Costlie to be kept, for we knowe that the ennemye, especiallie the whole Countrie of Flaunders have an earnest desire to Recover it wherebie all Flaunders, and namely the Sea Coastes should be free, And at this tyme we understand for certeintie that the greate townes offer large taxes to beseige, and recover it. And therfore as by former lettres, yow were dyrected to deale with the States, to take it into their Charge, ar to give allowaunce for the fortifying thereof, especially of the greate breaches, already made by the Sea, and more like to ensue this next wynter. And if the States would not assent to the one nor the other, her Majestie muste take some other course with it, for without verie greate Charge, aswell by fortifications, as by Reenforcinge with greater nomber of Souldyars the towne is not defensible against a Seige. And nowe therfore if yow have no answere in Certentie which yow were dyrected to require with speede, then yow shall withall Convenient spede propound this unto the States generall, and require their answere absolutely for the taking of the towne into their handes, or for the fortifying of it to make it tenable: to neither of which I thinke they will assent and performe in dedes. And if they shall refuse the same, wherof I pray yow require their answere, to be putt in some written Acte), then hir Majestie maye take some other course with hir honor, as cause shall move hir to acquite hir self of the towne, which is the thing that hir Majestie taketh mete as a grounde to answere the States, whatsoever she shall do. Thus muche for that matter of Ostende. And now to add somewhatt to this lettre yow shall understand that your lettres of the xxijth of Aprill, brought by Richard Hall, make mencion of the Quenes Majesties lettres to the towne of Gertrudenberch and another to your self both dated the xijth of Aprill, and 2 others from my self, the one of the xxviijth of Marche, and the other of the xiijth of Aprill, being hartely sory that hir Majesties lettres Came so late unto yow. I am gladd to perceve the Comminge hither of the three Commissioners named in your lettres, for by that meanes the L. of Buckhurst jorney may be stayd which I did especially advise, as one that shold have had Commission with yow fol.195v