Letter ID: 0818
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.164r-165v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0818/000
Date: 22 April 1589
Copies: 1351


Addressed: To the right honorable my singular good Lord, the L Burhgley, Lord high Treasuror of England.

Endorsed: 22 Ap 1589

Endorsed: Master Bodeley from the Haghe. He blameth the Sea Capteines for the slack conveyeinge of hir Majesties and your L. lettres. Awnswear to hir Majesties lettres with the Placart translated. The [holdinge] under of [Cours]. 20 of May appointed for proceedinge in the Accomptes. Dangerous dissentions at Berghen.


Later Addition: Belgia 22 April 1589

It may please your L. by this bearer Captaine Halle I receaved two daies past, two letters from her Majestie one to the Garrison of Gertruden- bergh, and an other to my self, both bearing date the 12 of this moneth. Likewise two from your L. one of the 13 of this present, sent by the same bearer, and an other of the 28 of Marche, with a copie of the Answers to Master Ortels requestes, whiche he saieth he receaved by the way, of Captain Rigges, Captaine, as I thinke, of the Achates, whome I knowe not whether I maye justly blame for detening it so longe: but for ought I can perceave by enquirie, the greatest fault of the slacke deliverie aswell of that, as of a former from her Majestie about the time of the siege, wilbe found to rest in some of those sea capteins: who as I am informed, waite with suche diligence, for the convoieng of marchants, as they lett slippe the opportunities of winde and wether for the publicke service. Whiche I am urged the more to complaine of, for that I stand in a maner assured, had her Majesties letters bin delivered in time, at the first, I might have bin able to have diverted this course that hath bin taken. But the opportunitie being lost, I have the lesse to answear to those letters, having signified in my former to your L and in my last to Master Secretary, by reason of the dolefull cause of your absence, howe all thinges heere have passed. There is an answear framed by the states generall to her Majesties letter unto them, about the levieng of the siege, wherto thei have annexed, the placcart, trans- lated into Frenche. But the letter being over bitter, and muche in substance like the placcart, it is thought it will ether be otherwise endited, or sup- ressed altogether: and then their answear shalbe made, by suche Commissioners as thei send. For the extremitie of daunger, wherinto they see these provinces brought, by the losse of Gertrudenbergh, and the feare of her Majesties displeasure for publishing fol.164v
the Placcart, hath caused them to hasten the dispatche of their Commissioners to her Majestie. The parties appoin- ted are Monsieur Valcke and Monsieur Loozen, bothe of the Councell of state, and MonsieurEgmond, otherwise Monsieur de Kenningbourgh, a deputie of the states Generall. My opinion of the parties I neede not signifie, your L. having speciall good meanes, to be perfitly informed. The time of their departure is appointed, if it hold about 7 daies hens. I doe not dout, but in respect of the great necessitie in whiche these Provinces stand, and of the hard measure, which they have offered her Majestie of late, being otherwise, the Counsellors in spe- ciall, men of good indifferencie and discrecion, thei will condescend to establishe some better course in proceeding with her Majestie and her Ministers. For I assure your L. hitherto I have founde the generalli- tie heere possessed with suche an extraordinarie and immoderat humour of diffidence and gelousie, as it is not possible there should be good correspondence betweene us, unles thei deale more sincerly. My endevour shalbe to gett the knowledge of their particular Instructions, which for ought I can perceave, ar not yet agreed uppon. This day I have moved the Generall states, to appoint committies about the liquidation of those accountes and demandes wherto my L. Burgh, my self and Master Gilpin, are deputed for her Majestie wheruppon they have promised to nominat certaine persons, and to provide against the day, to witte the 20 of May. Whiche I have lett my L. Burgh understand, attending those Instruc- tions and directions which your L. doth promise, ha- ving nothing heere as yet, but Master Hurrelstons accountes, and no memorials at all from Master Killi- grew or any other. The ennemie, whiche was thought to make towardes Hoesden, is re- tired to Longstrat: wherein his purpose is not knowen with us. But we looke every houre, to heare of some at- tempt, ether uppon Tergoes, Bommel or Utrecht: and Hoesden, it is thought, he will endevour to blocke up. fol.165r
What should aile him to lye so still, men ima- gine diversly. Some give it out, that he mindeth to- wardes Fraunce: but most men say, that he atten- deth some certaintie of Sir John Norris departure. / . The disorders that are lately growen betweene the Governour and Captain of Berghen Up Zoome, and a- mong the officers and souldiers, are so many, and so dangerous, as it doth disquiet the Councell of State ve- ry muche. For whiche they have requested Monsieur Valke and me to goe thither, and to travail what we can, to reforme the abuses, untill suche time as by the esta- blishment of a better government heere, and by her Majesties commaundement, it may be done more effectually, at the Commissioners returne. Having nothing els to signifie of any publicke occurence, I can not end without yelding humble thankes to your L. for your favorable acceptation of my service, and for your honora- ble and kinde encouragement, which I can not choose but observe in sundrie censures and pointes of your L. particular and carefull answeares to my letters, and writinges: for which, and for divers tokens heere- tofore of your speciall affection unto me, I had never yet the opportunitie to shewe my gratefull acknowledgement, being alwaies done in a most honorable kinde, where I was not present, and to the bettering of my credit: but uppon this occasion, I confesse my self infinitly bound unto yow for it, and will endevour to declare my thank- fulnes with all kinde of service and duty to my utter- most abilitie. For that I had begonne to di- rect my advertisments of these later proceedinges in this place to your L. and because I can not yet un= derstand of Master Secretaries returne to the Court, I trust this continuance of my troblesome writing, will stand with your liking, and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 22 April 89. Your L most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley