Belgia 10. April 1589] It may please your L. in my last of the 7 of this moneth, whiche I hope yow have receaved, I ignified of the deliverie of her Majesties letter to the states Generall, wherto they have made no answear as yet. I have also delivered a copie of the letter, and declaration uppon it, to the Councell of state, who have alwaies acknowledged a great oversight, in the course that hath bin taken with Gertru- denbergh, have entered into communication, howe to calle the principall autours into question, and have gone altogether to the states generall, using speciall instance, that there might be better cor- respondence with her Majestie. It seemeth that uppon certain Apostilles given up of late to Master Ortell, the States take occasion of some great dis- contentment: but I knowe not as yet, what mater they contene. For they propose by Master Ortell sun- drie maters, without any privitie of mine, or of the Councell of state, and when answear is retur- ned, they retene it to them selves. In suche cases, if the mater be fitte to be imparted to Master Gilpin and me, I beseche your L. if it may suffer delay, before any resolucion be taken, that we may be acquainted with it: or if our privitie be not requisit, yet if it be any thing pertinent to our service, that a copie of suche resolucions as are taken, may be sent unto us. Otherwise it wilbe very hard for her Majestie to be well served in this place. For this people is very waiward and quarrrelsom, aswell uppon smalle occasions, as mater of moment: and if any contradiction or variaunce espace /in/ our dealinges heere and at home, they will not faile both to object it, and to urge it in place, where it shall be a hin- draunce to other good purposes. Wheras if Master Ortell shall be willed, to acquaint us before hand fol.148v
withall suche proposals as belong to the Councell of state, it would both be a meanes to increase our credits, for the advauncement of her Majesties service, and cause a better concurrence in all our procee- dinges. The fort of Sevenberghen whiche was reported to be lost aswell as the house, was not battered at all by the Ennemie, but left up- pon the soddaine: Wherein most men mervell at his pollicie, for that there was no dout, but he might have caried it away. It is certified nowe, that he lieth about Langstrat, and wilbe presently doing ether with Berghen Up Some, or Hoesden. This day there was a Placcard proclamed in the market place and order taken, and order ta- ken by the states generall, that it shall be prin- ted and published in /all/ other Provinces, denoun- cing Sir John Wingfild, and all the rest of the Garri- on of Gertrudenbergh as Traitours: and autori- sing all Magistrats to doe execution uppon them wheresoever they shall be taken, with promise of 50 gilderns reward to him that shall take a common souldier, of that number, and 100 gild. for a capteine, forbidding all persons to use any other then good speeches of the states doinges, in respect of that Enterprise. My L. Willughby is very malitiously touched in it, and her Majestie somwhat, but very covertly: in whiche respect, as also for that it conteneth divers untruthes, and wrong surmises, I have protested against it, at the Councell table, as a very dishonorable and injurious Act unto her Majestie. In my next I will send your L. a copie, for that I can not gett it to send by this bearer. And so I humbly take my leave. From the Hage. April 10. 89. Your L. most humble to commaund. Tho. Bodley.