Letter ID: 0814
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.142r-144v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0814/000
Date: 07 April 1589
Copies: 0812 addressleaf
Addressed: To the right honorable my singular good L. the Lorde Burghley, L. high Treasuror of England.
Endorsed: 70 April 1589
Endorsed: Master Bodely from the Haghe./ He received not hir Majesties lettres to the States etc. beinge of the 16 of March untill the 3 of April He dowbteth bad practise in the delaying thereof. The report of the manner of the Composicion with the Ennemi for Gertrudenbergh. The manner of his delivery of hir Majesties lettres. The Dainger of utrecht, fearing a siege. Speech that hir Majesty should propose to withdrawe hir forces. The multitude of Complaintes against our Nation. Mareschall villiers and other slayne. He hath been solicited to stay the publishing hir majesties lettres or his declaration.
Later Addition: Belgia 7 April 1589
It may please your L. to advertise her Majestie that I receaved not her Highnes Letters to the states, and to my self with an other from your L. all bearing date the 16 of Marche, till the 3 of Aprill, styl. vetero and they were brought unto me by a Magistrat of Dordrecht, with whome they were Left by an unknowen person, to be conveied unto me, without making any mention, from whome they were sent. Unles it hath proceeded of some spe- ciall practise, whiche I doe very muche suspect, I knowe not where to putte the fault of suche no- table slacknes. For the winde hath served very often, since the date of the letters. What effect would have folowed, if they had come hither in time, I can not say for any certaintie. But, as I am per- suaded, the exclamation of the common people, and the instance of the Councell of state, and of others, would have forced them, to accept of tolerable con- ditions: whereas otherwise the chief autors of the enter- prise, were so violently caried with desire of revenge, as they nether would conceave, that there was stoare of all thinges in the towne, to continewe the resistance, nor thinke uppon the Ennemies approching, whome they might not attend. As by the event it fell out as I signified in my last, which I sent to be con- veied, by the Lieutenant governour of Flushing. For the sight of the Ennemie raised the siege, and then folo- wed a present conference uppon it, betweene the Ennemie and the towne. Howbeit heere is not any certaintie, of any thorowe conclusion. But in gener- all it is reported, that the agreement is 10 moneths pay out of hand and 5 more, in the moneth of May next: and that suche as list of the towne, shall have pasport to depart, and of those that will re- maine, some part to continew in Steenberghen. It is also given out, but as I doe conjecture, by the States, to qualifie the people, (who are highly discontented) that the townes of Dordrecht, Gorchum, Worchum, Bommel fol.142v
and others places adjoining have outbidde the Ennemie, and are in good hope of some composition: whiche no man almost doth credit: for that the Ennmie hath already taken the House of Sevenberghen, and hath sum- moned the Fort, whiche is unlike to hold it out. And it is feared that Williamstat, and that Iland will folowe, whereby the passage betweene Holland and Zeland wilbe stopped. I have used some dili- gence, to understand howe Sir John Wingfild is in- treated: but I can not learne by any meanes. As touching her Majesties letter unto the states, though the time were past for Gertrudenbergh, yet I found, it very requisit, to extend the benefit of it, to other good purposes. And therfore when I delivered it, I declared by worde of mouth, and withall gave it in writing, as the custome is heere, that whiche I send heereinclosed: to the end it might be notified, in the particular townes of these Provinces, howe un- dutifully /her Majestie/ hath bin dealt withall, never otherwise intending, but that the towne should be reduced to the obedience of the states. Of suche declarations, the maner is heere, that every deputie taketh a copy, and doth send it home to the states of his Province, the states to the Burghmasters of the townes, and the Burghmasters to the commons. I might have made a more exact, and an ampler declaration, for divers other pointes, but that I could not doe it for want of time, because it was to be done, with the deliverie of the letter. One point of her Majesties Letter I have purposly omitted, concerning the breache of the Contract between them and the garrison, for that I found, it would prove a mater of dispute, considering they stand uppon it, that they have per- fourmed all that thei promised, and were provo- ked to this violence, by the dissolut proceedinges, and contempt that was used against them by the Garrison. Howe I shall be answeared, I can not not conjecture, for at the reading of the letter, they fol.143r
were all very silent, and desired time, to con- sider uppon it. The principall autors are very /muche/ troubled and abashed, as also many other through their indiscretion: for that the discontentment of the people increaseth, as they see more and more the extremitie of daunger wherinto they are brought. For besides the losse of Gertrudenberg and the imminent perill to the neighbour townes thereabout, the towne of Utrecht hath sent hither in post, craving aid an counsell against the Ennemie, whose forces they finde to growe so strong in those quarters, as they stand in great feare of some soddaine siege: and their feare is the more, by reason of the factions and dis- cordes that are among the Burghers, and can not be appeased. If uppon the consideration of this troblesome state, your L. should happely expect, what I would advertise to be requisit, I must needes confesse, I shold be greatly to seeke. For I have al- waies seene this Councell of of State, to proceede ad- visedly, and very willing to intertene good correspon- dence with her Majestie: and likewise the most part of the deputies of the states generall, and other principall persons. But, as I have often signified, Barnevelt and some few besides, carie suche a hand over those of Holland, by whome the rest of the Provinces are over- ruled, as nothing may goe forward, but by his con- duction. This almost all of them see, and shewe their dislike very often, with many bitter speeches, and yet they take no course to redresse it: which I can not but take for a token of Gods punishment towardes when men shall be bereved of their common judgement, and discrecion, in maters of suche moment. There goeth /also/ a speeche, as if her Majestie were resolved, to with- drawe her forces from hens, and to leave the contrey to themselves, with the yerely loane of a summe of mony Which course, under humble correction, I doe feare very muche, if it should be proposed, nowe that this con- trey fol.143v
is brought to this exigent, I am fully persuaded, they would quickly des[.] it would be a great occasion to hasten their ruine. For the very name of her Majesties protection is thought to steed them as muche as the as- sistaunce it self. And if the common people should take a conceat, that her Highnes draweth backward, I am fully persuaded, they would quickly despere, and so accord with the Ennemie to her Majesties prejudice. On the other side, if that assistaunce that is heere, shall be still continued, it is both too slender to supplie the necessitie of this contrey, and they are growen so farre out of order in their military discipline, as almost a third part of the causes, that are proposed in this Councell are complaintes against our nation. For these respectes, albeit I can not sett downe rea- dily, what remedie is best, for the preservation of these Provinces from the Ennemies possession, yet indischarge of my duty to deliver my opinion, without tro- bling your L. with a tedious discourse, If it might stand with her Highnes gracious liking, to promise by letter, according to the Treaty, to give speedy order for the keeping of her companies complete, for sending hither paiment in convenient season, for reducing the Capteines and souldiers to discipline, and will proceed uppon it actually to the effecting of that which is promised, doutles uppon the credit of Barnevelt and other offensive persons would falle uppon it, the Ennemie should finde a stoppe for get- ting any more grownde, and her Highnes might dispose of this peoples affection, to any purpose at her pleasure. But then it were behoofull, as her Majestie shall promise in her owne behalf, that they should like- wise for themselves, That the Lieutenant generall of her forces, as also the Councell of state, shall exer- cise that authoritie, which is yelded by the Contract. Whiche point I have urged ernestly in the inclo- sed declaration, as the only occasion of this late la- mentable accident. And to amplifie further in this mater, in writing to your L it is altogether needeles. fol.144r
I am at this present advertised from Utrecht, that the Count Neuwenar their governour is re- moved to Amsterdame, with all his houshold and cariage: whiche is thought to be done, uppon some feare that he hath conceaved of the outrage of the people, uppon the ennemies approche. The Mareschall Villiers is deceased and 5 other cap- teines of account slaine, and /or/ dead since. It is further certified that 4 companies of Spani- ardes are entred into Gertrudenbergh: and that Sir John Wingfild hath his pasport to depart for Berghen Up Some: whiche notwithstanding is not affirmed for certaine. The house of Seven- berghen, wherof a brother to Barnevelt was cap- tein, was taken by the Ennemie, without resistance. And the speeche is also abroad, that the Fort is ta lost. I have signified your L comfortable greeting to Master Gilpin, whose diligence, and counsell, and knowlege in the affaires of this state is so necessary to her Majestie as for mine owne part I thinke that any mans service in this contrey would be but maimed without him. And thus nether having, nor hoping as yet to have any other then unpleasant newes to impart unto your L. I humbly take my leave. From the Hage. April 7. 89. Your L. most humble to commaund. Tho. Bodley. Postscript: I am solicited by a speciall person of the counsell of state, suborned as it seemed, by the Generall states, not to suffer any copies to goe fourth of her Majesties letter, or of my declaration, as they will take the like order in their assembly, lest the people upon it shold be over muche moved against them. Whiche I have graunted, unles hereafter I be other- wise charged from home.