Endorsed: A letter from Sir Francis Walsingham dat: the last of February 88.
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 stilo Rom 28 February To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Master Bodleigh
Sir. This bearer my servant being sent over for the hastening away of the bands that are to go forth in this intended voyage for Portingall, aswell those of her Majesties: as of the States, I could not lette passe without a few lynes unto you, thoughe nothing doubting but as you have hetherto shewed your self most carefull to further that service, so you will continue the same to the uttermost of your power. And for the propositions and aunsweares you sent hether from thence thoughe my Lords have yet no lea- sure by reason of the Parlament to consider thereof yet may you be sure they are not forgotten but that upon the next fytt occasion you shall receave some resolution from them touching those matters. And so for the present I committ you to god. From my howse in Sething Lane this Last of Februarie 1588. Your very Loving frend Francis Walsingham.Postscript: I am ernestly desyred by the frends of Sir Thomas Morgan and Sir Thomas Knolles to pray you to deale with the States Generall as also particu- lerly with such of them as have best creditt with Madam Meroda that they would parswade with her to have good liking of the match of her two daughters with the said gentlemen, and I pray you in this matter use the advice & help of Master Gilpin. For Sir Thomas Knolles I am verie earnestly desyred by the L Chamberlen Master Thresuror & others to intreate you to deale more specially whose case standeth not so hard as Sir Thomas Morgans for that the said Ladie was willing to bestowe one of her daughters upon him and is only offended with him in the maner of taking of the said daughter, because he concurred with Sir Thomas Morgan in such sort as he did therein. It shall in myne opinion gayne the Ladie manie & great frends in this Realm by framing her self to allowe of the match of her daughters with two gentlemen of this nation that are of so good quallitie.