Addressed: To the right honorable my singular good Lord the Lord Burghley, Lord highe Treasuror of England.
Endorsed: 10 October 1589 Master Bodeley to my L from the Haghe./
Later Addition: 10 October 1589 To Lord Burghley 10 October 1589
It may please your L. to be advertised, that right nowe I receaved letters from Sir Francis Vere doing me to witte, that our forces marched with victuall towardes Bercke, the 5 of this moneth: and being come within a league of the towne, were charged very fiercely by the Enemie in the reregard, going out of a streight passage. The Enemie had newly renforced his troupes, with freshe succours of those that were about Huesden. Howbeit Sir Francis and the Englishe, to whome the charge of the reregard was committed, she- wed so muche valewe in making resistance, as the common bruite doth commend their vertu exceedingly: and he himself writeth, that for the space of an houre together, they continued at the pushe of the pike, drave the Enemie backe 4 times, put them lastly to flight, and killed 600 uppon the place, of the bravest spaniardes and Albanoises among them, and brought away 12 Enseigns, and 250 horses. There were but fewe taken prisonners, and of those principall persons that were slaine, the names are yet un- knowen. Nether is it certified by any what losse of men we sustened. It is only signified that divers Englishe souldiers, to the nomber of 40 and more, were brought hurt into Arnham. After the conflict, they continued their marche towardes Bercke, victualed it, and made their retrait with greater honor into Rees. During the time of the fight, the Garrison of the towne issued fourth, and tooke one of the Enemies sconces, where they killed all the souldiers, saving suche as drow- ned them selves in the river, and in the bogges. fol.137vPostscript: It may please your L. to impart these occurence with Master Secretary.
By letters from the Count Overstein to the Councell, it is certifed that Sir Francis Vere is hurt in the legge with a pike, whiche notwithstanding is concealed in his owne letter to me. It is signified besides that an Englishe Lieutenant whose name he doth not expresse, is slaine: but very fewe besides of one sort or other./