Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 26 December 1589 From Master Bodleigh Fortification to bee made in the Isle of Bervliet by Zeland.
Later Addition: 26 December 89
It may please your H. to understand, that sins the deliverie of my former letters to this bearer who hath had no meanes to depart, by reason of the frost, I have dealt with the Generall states in the affaires of Ostend, and have advertised my LL. of their Answear: wherof I send your H. the copie, and of mine owne Proposition, and Replie, whiche, if your H. see requisit, I beseeche yow deliver.
There was a motion made of late by Count Maurice, that there might be some fortification in the litle Ile of Biervliet, adjoining to Walcheren, where it is found by triall that the water there, uppon the coast of Flanders, beareth 14 foote depth, and may serve to harbour 200 shippes of great burden: whiche would be a fitte retrait for an other Spanishe fleete, and also otherwise a commodious haven for many of the Enemies purposes in these contreis. For at Hendoncke and other fronter places on Flanders side there may be artillerie planted, and sufficient blockhouses made for the safegard of their shippes. There hath bin good conference heere uppon it, and it is thought a very necessary worke, but that they are troubled who should beare the charge. Howbeit I thinke in the end, it will falle uppon Zeland to disbourse the mony, to be deducted afterwardes uppon their extraordinarie contribu- tions. The states of Utrecht, as I signified in part, in my last to your H. have discharged 4 of their ministers, whiche was all thei had in the towne, and take in others for them. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. December 26. 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.