Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
29th November 1589 From Master Bodleigh. In favor of Lieutenant Lashford. 29 Nov 89lettertext
It may please your H this gentleman Master Lashford, Lieutenant to the company of Sir John Scotte, whiche was lately bestowed uppon Capten Hais, hath served six yeres in Irland, and in these contreis five yere, in the degree of a Lieutenant. He was also present at the last service done at Berke,] where he and his company were placed in that part of the Rere- ward, that sustened the chiefest brunt of the Enemies force. For these respectes, and for that Sir Francis Vere doth highly commend his valew and forwardnes in that conflict, I could not but commend him to your H. and request in his behalf, that if Capten Bannester shall give over his rowme, it may please your H to be a meanes, that it be bestowed uppon him: who, as it should seeme by his speeches to me, hath obtened already Capt Bannesters promise unto it. Referring his sute to your honorable consideracion, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 29 November 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
Postscript: The Magistrats of Utrecht have founde the meanes, partly by threatning, and partly with faire speeche, to cause the mutins of Wijcke to abandon the fort: where others are placed. Likewise the mutinie of Sgravesweert, for 6000 li sterling, whiche the states have hardly gathered, and sent unto them, is nowe at an end, the old souldiers qui- etly displaced, and newe companies admitted.