Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingahm knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 19 November 1589 From Master Bodleigh. Vasseurs cause receiveth delay & why. the Commissioners report not ended. Count Hollock now contented of. Captain Bannester commisoned./
Later Addition: 19 November 89
It may please your H. There is of the Enemies side a very good frinde to these contreis, whose advertisments hither prove commonly true. This present day we re- ceaved those, of whiche I send your H. the copie and whiche are also confirmed by pub- licke report. The cause of Vasseur can receave no dispatche, untill the Deputies have wholy ended the report of their proceeding in England: whiche began about 18 daies since, hath continued certaine houresevery morning and evening, and yet, for ought I can perceave, scarce nighe at an ende. The have kept a jornal of everie daies con- ference and speciall Action, were it publicke or privat, and in the same order thei make rela- tion to the Generall states, and not to the councell.
Count Hollocke doth very earnestly ex- pect her Majesties answear, having as yet recea- ved no other, then that I delivered by mouthe, by order from your H. When the Enemie was last in the Ile of Bommel, the states became sutors un- to him for his counsail and direction in all thinges. But nowe thei calle him to no meeting, nor shewe no token at all of their good affection unto him: wherat he grieveth not a litle. He mainteneth a continuall gard about him: wher- by it should seeme that he clameth his former place of Lieutenant General: wherof there is no speeche made by the states to the contrary: and yet it is thought, that they will not yeld that autoritie unto him. The bearer herof Capten Bannester doth protest unto me, that he is fol.201v
growen farre behind hand, by meanes of his great charge of Wife and children, and housekeeping, and hath no meanes any longer, to support his estate, unles his pay may be bettered, or some present consideration had of aiding him other wise. In whiche respect and of his long con- tinuance in her Majesties service he will become an humble sutor to your H. and hath solicited me, and his other good frindes to assist him, for some further advancement ether by way of re- ward, or increase of pay. Otherwise his petition wilbe, that he may be licensed to resigne his place to some suche, as shall be thought a meete person by my LL. of the councell. Refer- ring him heerein to your honorable consideration, I take my humble leave. From the Hage November 19. 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.