Addressed: To the right Woorshipfull Master William Borlas Lieutenant Governor of the towne of Flushing.
Endorsed: 4 October 1589 From Master Bodleigh to Master Burlas. requireth that a company be sent out of that garrison to the states accordinge to their demand. His refusal thereof, taken in evil part.
Later Addition: 4 October 89
Sir, The Councell heere doth greatly dislike that they should be thus rejected, for a Companie: considering it was accorded unto them by my LL. of her Majesties councell, and it hath bin signified already unto yow, that they have present occasion to use their service. Were it so, as yow write, that the L. Governor at his comming, will not suffer them to want for two or three companies, they can not conceave any reason, why they should nowe be refused, making request but for one, and for that, which hath by order already bin graunted, Unto them. These kinde of denials doe putte us all in this place to a great deale of trouble, and minister occasion of newe discontentments, whiche her Highnes would have us to prevent by all meanes. If they shall receave no better satisfaction from yow, I see them bent to offer some bitter complaint to her Majestie and to request some certaine and finall order to be taken, for the ease of this troble of sen- ding still into England: which I thought good to signifie unto yow, and to referre it to your owne consideracion: wishing for mine owne part, that unles yow be well assured that your excuses will stand for good in her Majesties hearing, yow would not make any further difficultie to graunt their request. And so I bidde yow hartely farewell. Hage 4 October 89 Your most assured frind Tho. Bodley