Letter ID: 0216
Reference: TNA, SP 84/34/238 f.238r - 240v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0216/000
Date: September 1589
Note: Instructions. An eighteenth century copy.
Copy of: 0862



Later Addition: 1589 September

Endorsed: September 1589. Directions to Master Bodily her Majesties Assistant in the Councell of Estate. Concerning the Musters.


[In margin: September 1589.]
Especiall points to be speedily performed by Master Bodiley Assistant for her Majestie in the Counsell of Estate in the Low Countreys.

First, that you peruse all such Acts, as were pro- cured by the assistants in Counsell before you, and com/m/itted unto you by your predecessors at his departure and of those which shall concerne the Musters, lysts or Rules for pay of her Majesties forces, to deliver Copies /to/ the Muster Master for his better direction in Conference with the States or the Com/m/ittees, touching the Affairs of his office now in question for her Majesties treasure disbursed in the time of the Earle of Leycester's government.

And where as the States Deputies here now seem to disallow the rates of payment for horse and foot- Bands, Established by the Earle of Leycester, with all dead payes by his Ldp allowed to be dis- tributed /among/ Corporalls, Gentlemen, Musketeers, and other officers, for encrease of their pay as Matter different or repugnant to the Contract Where by her Majesty should in the Rembursement loose forty thousand pounds, at the least of her treasure expend ed for their services: If the assistants have not pro- cured fol.238v
procured sufficient acts of Counsell there or otherwise kept perfect records and good memorialls to testi- fy the Consent of the States Generall or Counsell of States, It is also required, that you do forthwith certi- fy what hath bin done in this important matter. The Muster Master that was in his Lps time averring plainly, that they did accord unto all the Rates Established by his Lp and that himself did both by mouth and letter offten put the said assistantes in Rememmberance to sett downe acts in Counsell, to testify the said consent, the which is likly they have done accordingly, considering the Importance thereof, and how much her Majesty might otherwise be damnified upon the Remberance /Reembursement/

And whereas also the Ld Willoughby, upon the sygneing of the last warrant unto the 12 of October 1588, cessed no further cheque; then the Inferiour Commissaries resident of Musters presented, Respiteing all other observations and Intelligences, discovered by the Muster Master generall untill further consideration might be had thereof. For that the said Mustermasters advertisements are likely to prove very beneficiall to her Majesty and the States also complaine of great weakenes fol.239r
weaknes then hath bin discovered by the most secret Musters. Wee think it convenient that the said Muster Master in examination thereof, use the assistance of some other of her Majesties cheif officers there, which have no bands themselves, in such mattrs as ex officio he cannot safely are of himselfe determin. Wherein wee require you (upon request) to aid him and to call unto you such others as you and hee shall find most sufficient, and fitt for the purpose.

Moreover as it is concluded with the States, (that upon the ending of those Warres) her Majesty shall be repayed all such changes, as her Highnes shall susteine for the maintainance of her Forces there, It shall be most convenient for the service and the better keep- ing of orderly courses hereafter in this important affaires that no difference may happen betwixt her Majesty and the States (what these charges expended may amount unto) that Indented Records, Lists abbreviats and remembrances bee carefully kept betwixt her Majesties MusterMaster and some other like officer of theirs to be appointed by the States, as well for that purpose, as the diligent examination, conference and controllment of the Muster Rolles, books for demand of fol.239v
of pay and other advertisements presented where by the present doubts and dificulties may be indifferently determined, and nothing passe without their privity and consent according to the contract, as their deputies have vehemently importuned: the which if it have not bin hitherto performed, themselves have bin cheifly to be blamed as will plainly be proved: her Majestie desireing to have them no further charged upon reembursment then with the principall summes only disbursed according to such authentick Record as shall be mutually kept by officers authorized on both parts &c.

And for that there is great presumption of corruption & abuse in some commissaries untollerable, where of wee have received many complaints Wee further desire you to assist the said Muster Master, in disciphering thereof upon information given, and by the privity & consent of the Counsell of Estate, to alter or displace such, as shall be found faulty, that others more sufficient may bee appointed to their Roomes as hath bin accusto -med for prevention or reformation of such innormities and disobedience as hath bin used, for the better service of her Majesty heereafter; certifying yo us under your hands what shall be done therein.

Finally, for that the MusterMaster shall have continuall occasion of Conference with the States Generall, and Counsell of Estate, concerning her Majesties service in these intricate affaires of Musters, as well for the mattrs past, as the present confused accounts: Wee find it con- venient for many serviceable respects that hee have Free accesse unto the Counsell of Estate to propond, & [In margin: communicate with them such points, as he shall find convenient for her Majesties benefitt and service accord/ing/ to the Contract and orders established where with you shall acquaint the said Counsells.]