Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 20 August 1589 From Master Bodley.
Later Addition: 20 August 1589
It may please your H. immediatly uppon the wri- ting of my last, whiche I sent from hens the 15 of this present, we heard of the losse of the house of Heel, where the souldiers, being about the nomber of 200 were almost all ether slaine or taken: whether by the Go- vernors treason, or for want of circumspection, we are not yet informed from the Count. But the Enemie tooke it soddainly by force, while the Governor and 20 others in his company, were come wtout the fort, and in parle. Heeruppon it is generally thought, that the Enemie will bend all his forces, to make a bridge to passe the Wael, right over against the house of Brakel, where he hath already so planted his artillerie, as nether shippe nor boate can passe, but in daunger of shotte, and besides hath all thinges in a readines that should serve for his bridge: as this bearer, who came newly from thens, can signifie more at large. The Count Neuwenar and the Count of Overstein are written unto from hens, to send fower or five companies more to Count Maurice, whiche with those that he hath already, may make 2000 men. But if the Enemies purpose in making that bridge take effect, the losse of Bommel must folowe of necessitie, and of all the places there adjoining, and shortly after of Utrecht, and those other Provinces. Whiche is all come uppon us, through the losse of Gertrudenbergh. For the Garrison there was alwaies able to hinder suche attemptes of the Enemie. Nevertheles I am very well assured, that if any great extremitie shall come uppon the Contrey, they will exclame very bitterly, and by some mens instigation, cast the fault uppon her Majestie for withholding her assistance, not con- sidering, as I have told the Councell of state, what forces they bare her Majestie in hand, at the making of fol.82v
the contract, that they would maintene for the filde, and howe at this present, being pressed by the Ene- mie, they are not able in all, as farre as I can learne by any enquirie, both horse and foote ac- counted, to raise 3000 men. Uppon receat of the States resolucion, which I sent your H. in my last, for as muche as they pretend to have sent the Articles to their Principals, which I am persuaded is not done, I and Master Gilpin have thought it be- hoofull for her Majesties service, to write particular letters to the severall states of every Province, to suche effect, as by the copie inclosed may appeare to your H. If the Articles have bin sent unto them, it will serve to hasten the returne of their answears. If thei have not bin sent, yet it will be a meanes to give the contrey to understand, howe her Majestie and they are wronged by the sinister courses of their statesmen. The Councell of state hath sent of late, and therein re- quested my letters of furtherance, to the Garrison townes of Berghen, Flushing, Ostend and the Brill, that when those companies shalbe landed, whiche her Majestie hath promised to send hither, they may be receaved by them, and to the like nomber of the old companies drawen out to the present service, because it is supposed that the newe are both weake, and not thorowly trained. And to the ende the Garrisons might make the lesse difficultie, they have intreated Master Gilpin to goe with their letters to the Governors, and to use suche persuasion, as he shall find re- quisit. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. August 20 /89/ Your H most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley