Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 3 August 1589 From Master Bodley.
Later Addition: 3 August 1589
It may please your H sins I writte my former, there is a souldier come hither from Nieumeghen, who maketh report that Sir Martin Schincke, im- mediatly uppon that overthrowe, which he gave to the Enemie, attempted the suprpise of Neiumeghen, where he failed of his purpose, and as the common voice went, was drowned in a boate that soncke in the river, being overcharged with the multitude of those, that fledde thither for succor. The souldier being simple, and running hastely from thens, and in feare, can tell us no certaintie of the successe of that exploit, nor of any necessary circumstance. But we looke every houre, to knowe the truthe from others, as in the meane season, the newes are most heavily taken, these contreis being utterly desititute of any speciall person of Conduct. From the Hage. August 3. 89.
Postscript: Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley Presently uppon my former writing we receaved freshe advertisments from Count Maurice, that for certaine Schincke was drowned with some 150 more. He had entered the towne of Neiumeghen with 200 of his men, by a larger breache which they had forced through a grate of the walle of the towne, and possessed the market place: so as if his other troopes had folowed, he had bin master of the towne: but through the swiftnes of the river, the vehemence of the winde, and some unskilfulnes in the mariners, thei were caried soddainly beyonde the towne, and could not recover to come to the rescue: wheruppon Schincke was driven backe to his boate, whiche was not sufficient for the nombers that pressed into it: of which some notwithstanding recovered land by swimming, but Schincke in his armor had no meanes to save himself. The custody of his Sconces, and other places are committed by the Councell to the Baron of Potleds, a man generally beloved of the souldiers, and one that Schincke honored very muche. As farre as I can learne our Englishe companies are arrived in safetie to Tiet, both horse and foote, and will marche to Count Maurice, with to whome my L. Burgh is newly come with a company of 180.