Addressed: To the right honorable my singular good Lord the L Burghley, Lord highe Treasuror of England
Endorsed: 10 June 1589 From Master Bodley to the Lord Treasuror
Later Addition: 10 June 89
It may please your L. I have heerewith sent [a copie] of the Generall states answear, to that which I p[roposed] in my L. Willughbies behalf. I am half [of opinion] that they will put me of with shiftes and de[lays and] perfourme nothing in the end, of that whic[h is re-] quired. I doe not dout but yo[ur L. is ad-] vertised from Flushing, of the apprehending [of Adrian] Vasseur Sir William Russels Secretary: and w[hat has] passed uppon it, between the Garrisons and Middlebourgh. The matter hath bin fully [debated] heere in a full assembly of the Generall s[tates and] the Councell of state together: wherein it h[ath bin re-] solved, that seing he was taken out of the [liberties] Flushing, and is a naturall borne subject [of this con-] trey, he ought to be proceeded against heer [never-] theles to avoid all suspicion of partialitie [it was] agreed, that he should be removed from the [states] of Zeland to the Councell of state: and shou[ld be] alwaies examined in my presence, or in the p[resence] of some other minister of her Majestie. wheruppon [they] requested me to write to the Lieutenant Gover[nor of] Flushing, that thei Captaines there would surce[ase from] using any Violence, or threatning the inhabita[nts of] Middlebourgh. For mine owne part, I can n[ot perceive] that any clause of e Contract, doth favour [the Garri-] son in their clame, for deciding the cause. [In w[ch] respect, as likewise for that I sawe a gre[at discon-] tentment towardes, if they should be resis[ted in this] place, in a mater of justice: and because I [cannot] conceave, howe the Captaines can stand uppon [their] challeng in equitie, I have joined with the sta[te] and written to Master Borlas and Master Erring[ton][ that] they would accept of suche order, as the states s[et] downe. I can not omitte to acq[uaint your] L. with a necessary point of this Consultation [offered] in a speeche delivered by Barnevelt, in the [behalf of the] Generall states, wherein the Councell of state was requi-] red to write a letter unto her Ma[tie precisely [signifi-] eng, that unles her Highnes would take order f[or the] governing of her people in these contreis, they [would be] be forced to publishe to the world the whole course of fol.44v
our actions from the beginning, so as all men shall see in what sort we have proceeded in this contrey: whiche for speciall respectes they have hitherto thought good, to keepe secret. This kind of speeche was utterly condemned by the Councell of state, who thought it sufficient to write to the LL. of her Majesties councell, and to write with more good maner, and regard of their duty, as will appeere by their letter already sent. Of suche indignities offered, if I would signi- fie as often, as occasions are ministred, I should comber your L. with many unpleasant letters and ad- vertisments. And besides if her Majestie would seeme to take notice of them, and require the reparation of her Honor, I see that the humor heere of some would waxe more perverse and obstinat uppon it, and not yeld in the end to any honorable satisfaction.
In my Voiage homeward from Berghen, I came by Dordrecht, where I dealt with the Magistrates about the release of Sir John Wingfildes childe: wherein I found many difficulties, especially for that Sir John had passed a graunt under his hand (whiche they shewed me) that they should have the custo- die of his child, till the debt were answeared, besides other allegations, wherewith it is needeles to troble your L. But in the end I obtened so muche, that two daies after my departure, the child was sett at libertie by publicke sentence. The Ennemie is thought to bende his forces towardes Blien- beecke and Hoesden, albeit stoare of raine, which hath bin heere of late, hath caused him to retire from Hoesden. The towne hath had a newe supplie of men and victu- als, so as it is furnished with a 1000 souldiers at the lest, and with victuals for all this Sommer. Some outrages have bin committed among those within the towne amo whiche I thinke are appeared. Muche cattel hath bin caried away by the Ennemie, out of Bommels weert, and a 100 men, which were sent by Coronell Balfoure out of Bommell, to skirmishe with them, were slaine. At Blienbeecke there is nothing yet done by Sir Martin Schincke, for that the Count of Neuwenar, and the Count of Overstein, by whose forces fol.45r
he was to be assisted, have hitherto detracte[d the time] and lost great opportunities: and all upp[on private] displeasure, and a litle emulation. The[re are cer-] taine gentlemen of Frise, that have raised [of late up-] pon their owne charge, 1600 footmen, for so[me secret] exploit, under the conduct of one Clandt, [who hath] promised the states to joine himself first w[t Sir Martin] Schincke, for the succor of Blienbeecke, where [the number] of our men already are 2000 foote, and 70[0 horse] But the Ennemie is farre stronger, and not [to be] beaten, but by some strategeme, whiche S[chincke] hath undertaken. It is told me [for certain] by Count Maurice, that Parma sendeth out [of Artois] 3000 footemen, and 800 horse, to the ai[d of the] Liguers. Thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 10 June 89 Your L most humbly bounden Tho. Bodl[ey]
Postscript: It is certified by letters from Collen, that Parma hath failed of an enterprise, that he intended uppon Metz, wherein he imploied 800 Italians, uppon secret intelli- gence with some within the towne, who are also apprehended, and executed.