Addressed: To the right honorable my singular good Lord the L Burghley Lord high Treasuror of England.
Endorsed: 29 Maij 1589 Master Bodeley to my L. That Master Awdley may have his brothers charge./
Later Addition: 29 May 89
It may please your L Master Audley the bearer hereof was Lieutenant to his brother Captene Audley, who is deceased of late in this towne: and I am earnestly intreated by the Governor cand Captens, to become a sutor to your L. that by your meanes he may succeed in his brothers place. The motion was made unto me by the whole Councell of Warre, and it was his brothers last petition to his frendes: besides that he hath passed all the offices in a company, and is reputed to be a very ho- nest and Valiant souldier. In whiche respect I am the bolder to troble your L. with my instance in his behalf, and commend him most effectually: wherewith I take my humble leave. From Berghen. May 89. Your L most humble to comaund Tho. Bodley.