Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 22 Aprill 1589 From Master Bodley
Later Addition: 22 April 89
It may please your H. howe matters have passed till Master Carons comming, by my last to your H. sent by Master Gilpins man, and by others before to my L. Treasuror, I signfied at large. Since his comming, howe he hath proceeded, I leave to be related by himself: in whome there is no want of diligence and circumspection to per- fourme his charge to the uttermost. I have returned answear at this present, to my L.Treasurers Letters sent unto me by this bearer,to whiche I make bolde as heeretofore, to referreyour H. for the occurrence of this place. Your H. letter unto me in favor of Capten Morgan for the serjant majorshippe of Berghen, being written the 3 of this moneth, came not to my handes till the 20 day, after the place was bestowed by the Councell of state uppon one Lovell, who receaved his commission in that behalf, and was sworen almost fortnight before. otherwise, if it had bin integrum unto me, I would have done my uttermost ende- vor, to have accomplished in that as alwaies in all thinges your H. desire. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 22 April 89 Your H most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: Master Caron having shutte up his letters, requesteth me to signifie in his behalf to your H. that understanding of the states assembled in Frise, he purposeth to depart thitherwardes to morowe or the next day, and to take the Count Neuwenar in his way.