Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 20 February: 1589 From Master Bodley.
Later Addition: 20 February 88/9
It may please your H to receave suche further returns of Answears and Replies, as have passed betweene me and the states, since I sent yow my last by Sir Edward Norreis. I send your H withall a declaration made by Master Gilpin and me to the last Instructions of the states General, whiche I have exhibited, by vertue of my In- structions, in her Majesties name, hoping it will stand with your H. good liking. For we finde uppon conference, that if Master Beale had perused my L. Willughbies observations, and the states Answears, he would have thought himself satisfied, in the most of his exceptions: as many of those sette downe by my L. are very effectuall, and unansweared by the states. Never- theles to proceede againe by way of Replie, or to pro- pose other Articles, would prove an endles debate. In which respect we have entred into consideracion of the most substantiall pointes, and reduced them to that forme, which I send your H. Whiche had bin done before nowe, but that we thought to attend a fitte opportunitie, when the rest of the Councell should present their griefes aswell as we: wherin they are busied at this present. It was a part of my charge from her Majestie to move the states General for some allowance to my L. Willughby for the entertening of intelligences, which by his owne advise, and Master Killigrewes, I was persuaded to differre: for that we sawe them alienated from him, exceedingly, continuing so still untill his departure,
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nether writing by him to her Majestie nor using any courteous complement, to testifie their liking of his ser- vice. Before his departure, Master Allen was jointly sent from his L. and me with letters to the Grave de Meurs, and to the Burghmasters of Utrecht, about the deliverie of Deventer and Clarehaghen. I doe expect his returne every houre. My letter to my L. Treasurer I have left unsealed, requesting your H. to reade it: and if that course which I propose about Barne- velt, shall by your H. be thought requisite, I beseche yow fol.56vPostscript: Master Allen is newly returned from Utrecht, and goeth after
Later Addition:
my L. for England, of whome your H. may learne uppon what termes the Grave Neuwenar doth stand, and the Burgmaisters, for the deliverance of Deventer and Clarehaghen. It seemeth by his report that an effectuall letter from her Majestie will accomplishe all, though for mine owne part, I see them all this contrey over possessed with suche a carelesnes of gratifieng her Highnes as I dout the successe. Master Allens going in this voiage, and other services heeretofore, in which my L. hath imploied him, hath bin somwhat chargeable to his purse, for which if your H. will vouchsafe to gett him some consideration, he wilbe the readier heereafter to bestowe his travell in the like. Of Sir Martin Schinckes forces, and maner of life, he can informe yow at full fol.57rPostscript: This morning a letter from Ortel was read in Councell, wherein he signified, that your H. complained greatly of the biting and presumptuous answear, whiche the states gave up to my first declaration in her Majesties name: which the Councell disliked exceedingly, when I signified the pointes, whiche I never /did/ but privatly before, for eschewing debate. Howbeit they are not yet ac- quainted with their later Answears, which I send heere with to your H. being more undiscreete and unseemely, then the other, and the very humor of the writer, who as some of the Councell have told me, taketh a direct course in all maters to ruine himself and the state. Assoone as this messenger is departed with them, I will exhibit my Replie unto them, and geve a copie of the whole to the Councell, /for/ which I assure my self, they will utterly condemne the states, in sundrie respectes, but most of all in alleaging, that it doth no more become her Majesties lieutenant and Counsellors, serving this contrey for their assistance, and uppon the charge of the contrey, to reason against the states heere, uppon those Instructions, which they deliver to the Councell, then it doth become Counsellors in other kingdomes to reason against the Instructions of their Kinges and Souveraignes: which I knowe the Councell of state will take for suche a peevishe conceat, as that and other like unadvised clauses, will turne very muche to the autors discredit: of which notwith- standing in any conference betweene him and me, I doe not seeme to take notice, as proceeding from him. I did thinke at my first comming, that some familiar insinuation and seeking unto him with courteous usage might have made him more tractable: but I finde by experience that it doth make him more humorous, and forgetfull what cariage doth become him. Whiche I thought good uppon the incident occasion of Ortels writing, to declare unto your H.
I shall request your H. to cause the booke, which I send your H. heerewith, to be delivered to my L Treasuror./.