Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 7 January 1588 From Master Thomas Bodleigh Copies sent by Sir Edward Norrys. dissention over Utrecht. Deputies from the states sent thither./ Marshal Villiers desire to withdraw him self. Troupes redy to be imbarked a fortnight since.
Later Addition: 7 January 88
It may please your H. by Sir Edward Norreis I have sent the copies of all that hath passed between the states and me, by way of Answear and Replie to her Majesties Instructions: Whiche I hope are all delivered, with my letters by him, and by others before. There is freshe advertisment come hither from Utrecht, that the state of the towne is muche disquieted by the factions and divisions of the inhabitants, which partly growe uppon the difference of religion and partly up- pon uppon mater of government: for the appeasing wherof, and the preventing of inconvenience that may followe, certaine are deputed from the States generall, and from the Councell of state, to repaire thither with speede. And right nowe I receaved a letter from Deventer, and in it the ticket, whiche I send your H. hereinclosed. Mareshall Vil- liers hath requested the Councell of State, that he may retire himself, pretending his indisposition of body, and unabilitie to serve; whiche is imagined to be but a practise, to drawe them on, to make better account of his service, and to reward him thereafter, whiche hath bin hitherto but slenderly perfourmed. Sir Christopher Blount can informe your H. of the troupes of horse and foote, that are at Roterodame ready to be imbarked, in what plight they were a fortnight since, and howe they are at this present. For Ma- reshall Villiers hath reported at the Councell table, that at his being at Arnham, though they were not complete companies, yet for so many, he never see braver nor fairer come to any service: which Sir Christopher Blount requested me to signifie, albeit as matters have bin handled, I am but unwilling to make m[en]tion of any thing belonging to that negotiation. And so I humbly take my leave. From the Hage. January 7 88. Your H most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.