Later Addition: Belgia 1588.
A Catalogue of Memorials, letters, and writinges delivered unto me, before my departure into the Lowe Countreis.A Copie of the Treaty betweene her Majesties Com- missioners and the Deputies of the states Generall. Instructions for the Councell of Estate at the Hage the 12 of April 1588. Considerations of my L. Willoughby uppon the forsaid instructions. Master Beales answears to the Articles of the self same Instructions. D. Clerkes opinion uppon the said Instructions. Sir John Norris Instructions from her Majestie to deale with the states Generall Sir John Norris Memoriall from the LL. A remembraunce from Master James Digges to deale with the States in matters of Musters. A Catalogue of certaine persons and causes recommended by her Majestie to the states. La Requeste de Hessell Aysma a sa Majestie. Notes of Account betweene her Majestie and the states delivered me by the L. Buckhurst. The first, second and third part of Master Huddilstons Accountes. The new estabishment of her Majesties forces in the Lowe countreis, and in Flushing and the Briel Petitions of the states Generall Appostilled. 18 Marche 87. Petitions by those of Zeland Appostilled. 87. Ja[nuary] Petitions of the Councell of Estat Appostilled. 87 January Appostils from the LL. to a letter of the States Generall of the 13 April 88. A Consideration of certaine pointes in the Treaty by Mr Beale. A Memoriall from the LL. for me to deale with the states. Instructions from her Majestie for me to deale with the states. fol.267v
A letter from her Majestie to the States Generall. A letter from her Majestie to the Councell of Estate. A letter from her Majestie to my L. Willoughby. A letter from her Majestie to Master Henry Kelligrew. A letter from the LL. to Sir William Russell. A letter from the LL. to the L. Burghe A letter from her Majestie to Count Maurice. A letter from Master Secretary to Sir William Russell. A letter from Master Secretary to Master Henry Killegrewe A letter from Master Secretary to Master George Gilpin. Tho. Bodley.