Endorsed: 17. July 1585. From Master Bodelye
fol.200rDeparting from Harbourgh, I came to Wolfenbeitel the D. of Brun swickes Castell, the 6 of this moneth: from whens the D was gone in progresse, to take possession of the contreis, that were lately fallen to him, by the death of D. Erricke: and of his counsail so many as taried behind, had intelligence of nothing in the Electors proceeding. Wheruppon I resolved to goe after the D. but they dissuaded me from it: for that his daily re- mooving, did make his being uncertaine: & for certaine other respectes. So as in the end this advise was thought best, that I should have in writing with them, Wherunto I desired to have the D. answear: & therewith signifie besides, what answear I receaved from the K. of Denmarke: with suche pertinent other pointes, as I liked best my self. This they promised presently to convey unto the D. by a messenger of purpose: & to send withall their owne letters, for my better expedition. And having thus written, as they desired, they gave me counsail to remain heere at Brunswicke (whiche is 6 miles of) till I heard from the D. For at Wolfenbeitel in the D. absence, no straunger is permitted, to come within the gates. And this their conference with me, was in the Suburbes of the towne.
Yesterday, the 16 of this moneth, there came unto me from Wol- fenbeitel, one of the Counsail, who shewed me the D. letter, in answear to theirs: in whiche he willed them to tell me, that in part he had receaved, an answear from the Electors: but he ex- pected yet an other, to his better contentation. And therfor he wished me, to stay still at Brunswicke, till he came againe to Wolfenbeitel, where he purposed to be, about the last of this moneth. This partie tolde me further, but as proceeding from him self, fol.200v
that for secret causes, that he knewe, he thought the Electors reso- lution, would be too good purpose. I have also otherwise had intelligence, what caused that meeting at Netzling in sylva Garlebiensi, which I writte of in my last: where the D. of Saxonie & his sonne, the Marchese of Brandeberg the D. of Mechelberg and others, about 8 daies sins assembled, but taried not longe, be- cause Saxonie sickened. From the place where I am, I can not send in other sort, but by persons unknowen, which maketh me suppresse, that whiche is of some consequence, & were expedi- ent to be written.
I have a copie of the last letter (Whiche I mentioned in my last) written from the Electors to the K. of Navarra. It is knowen heere to very fewe, & I can not learne as yet, whether it were sent him or no. It was dated in Marche, & is only subscribed by the 2 Electors, the Administrator of Magdeburg the D. of Bipoint D. Julius of Brunswicke D. William of Brunswicke th D. of Mechelberg & the D. of Wirtenberg. The effect is the same as I signi- fied before: A request unto the K. to subscribe the booke of Con- corde: and all the answear is so framed, as I wonder at it muche, for the maner that it useth. For the K. is flatly exhorted to beware of Beza, & those deceavers ( for so they are termed) with many wordes & clauses so straungely sette downe, as if the replie therunto be correspondent unto it, it can not choose but occasion a greater discorde then before.
Againe there is no end in these quarters of printing their In- vectives, whiche are conceaved in suche termes, as are mer- velous bitter and uncharitable. Chemmicus the chief Pastor of Brunswicke, & one of the greatest clarkes of that sect, & of later time in all Germanie, hath lately penned a preface to an other mans booke against Danaeus: wherein he exhorteth the Magistrats & Churche of Brunswicke, and all others in autoritie, to banishe all Calvinists, and of their territories, & to detest them as men, that knowe themselves in conscience to be damned persons: calling God to witnes that they will shortly fill Christendome with the impieties of Mahomet: with other like speeches so ungodly & unconsciona- ble, & wittingly untrue, as it is not almost credible. This maner of writing in a principall divine, the rest doe so imitat, & the people so regard, that this peace in religion wilbe many yeres in concluding. fol.201r
For mine owne part, I have alwaies heere amonge them, bent all my persuasion, to procure a common concurrence against an ennemie to both sides. And for matters of the Churche, I doe kepe my self silent, but that I notifie where I come, the modestie of our Ministerie, that shunne all occasions to preach of Luthers opinions: & when occasion is presented, doe never taxe him in any thing, but with a reverent respect.
I was with Chemmicus sins my comming to this towne, and to tell yow howe I founde him, it would but lengthen a letter, & too muche comber your H. But as I was with him, so with others besides, which are Ministers of name, but towardes us for our doctrin, ill affected like to him, with whome I have conferred, and urged strictly to the point, that notwithstanding these conten[tati-] ons, we might drawe together in a Line, & oppose or se[...] jointly against the Pope & his Complices. Whereunt[o ...] bin answeared, that as the case was proposed, they thought their brethren might be dealt withall so, as they would not only not dissuade it, but be a meanes unto their So- veraignes, to condiscend to suche petitions. Wherby I doe perceave, that the maner heere of proceeding, is muche to be respected. For if they be dealt withall calmly, not tou- ched in their doctrin, & warely solicited, no dout in short time, they might be wonne to joine with us.
Heere in Brunswicke I am feasted, presented, and visi- ted, muche more then I would be: by meanes wherof, & of so many voiages too & fro, intertenments where I come, & longe aboade in these contreis, that allowance of her Majestie which was given me in prest, would serve me but a while. How beit, I referre my self for that, to your honorable wonted favor whiche I hope will afourde me those necessarie reasons, wh[...] by her Highnes wilbe moved, to some gracious consideration Wherewith I take my humble leave, alwaies mindfull in my praiers, to commend your welfare in body, & happines in Honor to Gods preservation. Brunswicke. Julij 17 158[5] Your H. most humbly bounden. [Tho. Bodley]
Postscript: I am newly advertised that Andreas Pauli is sent from the Electors, to the D. of Brunswicke with a packet: wherein is thought to be contened their answear to her Majestie.