Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, principall Secretary to her Majestie & one of her Highnes most honorable privy councel.
Endorsed: 31 May 1585 From Master Bodeley
fol.190rTwo daies after I was lodged, suche of the Councel, as I named before, & two others besides D. Farembelt & Master Statius, came by times in a morning to my chamber, where D. Usler, who was com- monly their speaker, signified unto me that the Duke was merve- lous desirous, to have had me come to him, & to communicat with me [In margin: He delivered his message to /certaine of/ the Councell by reason of the Duke his indisposition./]
about divers matters, but he was so exceedingly troubled with the goute, the palsey, the stone, & all at that instant, as it was pain- full unto him, to speake or to be spoken unto. Wheruppon the Duke earnestly praied me, whatsoever it was I had to deliver, I would deale with his councel, as if himself were present, promising suche dispatche as the affaires did require. Wherunto I made answer that as I was desirous, & expressely commaunded to impart her Majesties salutacons, & her singular affection, & all the rest of mine errande to the Duke himself in person: so it grieved me greatly fol.190v
to carie home to her Highnes those sorowfull tidinges of his weake dis- position. Howbeit for that /my/ buisnes was of moment & required no delay, not douting but their wisdomes would deale thereafter in it, if it pleased them presently to geve me mine audience, I would not willingly differ it. Wheruppon & some other like spee- ches that passed betwixt us, & having gone too & fro betweene the D. & me, & considered of my letters, they all at last came in to- gether, with inke & paper in their handes, & praied me to tell theme what I had further to intreat of, then was expressed in the letters whiche while I uttered unto them to that effect as I was willed by her Majestie instructions, they did all of them write what I said & some me thought so fast, as they noted every worde: whiche I take to be their custome in causes of importaunce: But my letters to the Electors & the Lantgrave of Hesse, they requested me to kepe, till they had spoken with the Duke: Usinge many good wordes in commendation of her Majestie her forwardnes & zele in advaun- cing these causes: but desired my patience, if I taried longer for an answear then perhaps I expected: because my petitions were many, & the D. in health so ill disposed.
Uppon my daily solicitinge, the 23. of this present, every one of the councel came againe to my chamber: where D. Usler deli- vered the D. resolution. First in the D. behalf he used wordes of gratulation, for her Majesties prosperitie which I had signified unto him, & the happie estate of her contrey. & then thanked her Highnes for so kinde a message, with protestation againe of like harty good will, whiche he dilated very muche. Lastly com- ming to the matter, yelded in every thing, to perfourme her Majesties [In margin: The said Duke willing to accomplishe her Majesties request in all poyntes]
requestes, as farre as lay in his power: to sende her letters to the Electors & the Lantgrave, to joine his owne unto them, to move them to a diet, and a generall union, aswell of forces as of min- des, & to come themselves in person, or to send their deputies, with full autoritie to conclude: In particular to consider of some succor to the kinge of Navarra, to take order with his churchemen to deale with more charitie, to hinder both the levieng & the passage of souldiers, & to give in conclusion his uttermost furtheraunce Howbeit for the diet, he was of opinion that it would not be so soone, [In margin: That the Convention cannot be so soone as her Majesty desireth./]
as the cause doth require, & her Majestie desireth: for that /it/ if chiefly consisteth in the Princes Electors, who he douted would have time, to determine suche a matter. Notwithstanding for his owne part there should want no solicitinge: & besides in the circle fol.191r
[In margin: The session to be kept at Hal- berstat the 17 of July next./]
of the lowe Princes of the Lowe Saxonie, whiche is kept at Halberstat the 17 of July next ensewinge, he himself would propose & folowe the whole matter. And therein the better to effectuat his purpose, he would send his Embassadors, out of hand to the Administrator [In margin: That he wold send to the administrator of Halles: & in the meane tyme stay the Levy of Soldiers [for] the D. of Guise./]
of Halles who is chief in that meetinge. In the mean season he had already at home done his best endevor for the stainge of suche souldiers, as were ether to be levied, or to passe out of his contrey and in witnes therof offered unto me suche edictes as he had pub- lished, which I send your H. with my letter. Moereover for as muche as her Majestie did not send me to the Electors, whiche he thought had bin expedient, to excuse this matter the better, he would consaile me as of my self, to write to the D. of Saxonie, & to signifie what caused that her Majestie sent not to him, whiche letter he promised to send with his owne. For that he had besides to im- [In margin: That Master Bodley shold [r]eturne that waye [sou]th for answeare to his lettres written to the D. of Saxony, and or other matter of im- portance to be com- municated to him./]
part somwhat unto me of speciall importaunce, he was very de- sirous that returninge out of Denmarke, I should repaire againe to him, & receave the Electors aunswears. In the meane while, he thought it not amisse, that I sent some messenger into England to declare howe farre I had proceeded. And lastly to my self he made an offer of all his favors, if I needed him in any thing: & so made an ende with the D. good wishes to my voiage, thankes for my travaile in this cause, & for my pa- tience there &c.
In mine answear hereunto, for those affectionat speeches, courtesies and compliments whiche were uttered at first, there was nothing omitted that was to be replied in her Majesties behalf: especially in declaring what contentment she would take, to see her expec- tation so satisfied in every thing demaunded: whiche I was willing should be knowen so soone as was possible, & therfor would if he desired it, send a messenger expressly. Nevertheles for that nothing as yet was done in dede & effectually, & be- cause it was my meaninge at Lubecke, where I might have conveiaunce, to write of all at length, I thought a messenger might be spared, unles the D. should thinke otherwise. Againe whereas he thought it behoofull, for the better satisfaction of the D. of Saxonie that I should make her Majesties excuse in a letter from my self: the truth was so, that as a privat person I durst not be so bold, and as sent by her Majestie my commission would not beare it. Nevertheles whatsoever I should doe directed by his wisdome, I did not any way make dout, but her Majestie would like it. And therfor fol.191v
[In margin: He writt his privat Lettre to the Elector of Saxonye./]
therfor for my letter, it should be written out of hande, & left to his good pleasure to send it or otherwise. Therewithall I offered my service into Denmarke, if he had cause to use me, yelded thankes for mine intertenment, with certaine speeches to the councel: who, when I had ended signified unto me, that seing I intended to write into England, there neded no messenger to be purposly sent. But for my letter to the Elector, the Duke did wishe me to write it, & he would send it with his owne. Withall otto van Heim tooke me a part, & tolde me in my earre, that the D. would have me in any wise to endite my letter without attributing any thinge to him, but making as if her Majesties trust were chiefly in Saxonie. This letter being written was caried to the Duke, who sent me backe worde that he liked it well, & desired a copie: as I have in- serted heere an other, nothing douting but her Majestie being privy to the circumstaunce will account it no presumption. [In margin: The Copy of Master Bodleys lettre to the Elector of Saxony]
Illustrissime ac potentiss. Princeps, quod ad Cels. Veram meas do literas, audacius fit omni no quam humilitatem meam decet: sed dedit hac audaciae cum illius Vestrae perinsignis fiducia bonitatis, tum illa singularis inter serenissimam Reginam Angliae atque Cels. Veram benevolentiae coniunctio. Equi- dem in mandatis habui proximis superioribus diebus, ut suae Regiae Maiestis literas cum ad serenissmum Regem Daniae, tum ad Illustrissum Ducem Brunsuicensem perferrem: quas autem & ad Cels. Veram & ad Illustriss. Electorem Brandeburgensem atque Hassiae Lantgravium perscripserat, ut earum tradendar[.] Illustrissimo Ducj Brunsuicensj curam relinguerem. Inu- sitate quidem istue & gravate prorsus fecit, ut in huiuscemod[iis] negotijs praesertim tanti momentj, vicariam cuius fidem sap- poneret, cum ut conveniat, & talia quidem soleat per nunnios conficere. Veruntamen quia Brunsuicum abest non procul ab itinere in Daniam, & quia res est eius generis ac profecto magni- tudinis, ut ad eam expediendam, sit idem, propemodam, non adhi bere celeritatem & rem totam negligere, pertinet ad illam vestra[m] praecellentem prudentiam, & vero etiam ad illum animum pro- pensissimum, quem in similibus negotijs & serenissma Regina & communis Christiana rei causa est experta non servet, non solum fol.192
solum talem literarum missionem boni consulere, sed & ita etiam probare caeteris Principibus, ut eam omnes coniuncte, & pro sua sin- gulj parte benevole accipiant. Iam diu est Princeps Illustrissime cum apud nostros ita loquimur, Ex multis praeclurissimis patro- nis atque defensoribus Christiani nominis, neminem nos habere ad civis opem, autoritatem, gratiam fidentius confugere quam ad vestram possineus. Hic igitur spero faciet Celsitudo Verae & dabit mihi hanc Veniam ut suas sapientissimas cogitationis mius literis interpellem, & hoc quidem totum de muncis non mittendo, benigne interpretabitur. Interea quidem ut Cels. Verae perpetuo bene sit, & ab opt. Deo suppliciter contendo, & futuram sane pro sua mirifica in Rempub. Evangelicam /charitate/ confido.
My letter thus written, and their answear receaved, I made my sute to be dismissed, & to have a copie with me of the D. letters to the Electors & the Lantgrave: whiche were not written as then, but the next daye after, I was promised to have them & so to [In margin: [Th]e said Duke will wrytt more roundly to the Electors & the Lantgrave [.] uppon his first lettres they shewe not them- [s]elves forwarde in the [c]ause./]
depart. The letters were written in Dutche, and the same to them all, as I have herein sent the copie. And if uppon this first they shewe themselves backward, or not so forward as is nedefull, then the Duke is purposed, to write more roundly in the next, & to persuade them more directly to her Majesties course: whiche to doe nowe at first, he thought would hinder more then further. For I was tolde very flatly by divers of his councel, that Saxonie in [In margin: The D. of Saxony is especially to be dealt withall.]
special must be dealth withall in this with singuler dexteritie. For in dede he ruleth all, & would have it so reputed: and unles he be estemed the autor & contriver of every good enterprise, he will quickly fall to gelousie, & take a sinister opinion.
The D. letter receaved, & leave obtened to depart, the D. sent me a coache for my self, & an other for my men, to Bringe us to Bruns wicke, willinge Otto Van Heim, & an other gentleman to kepe me company, & to bringe us to be lodged in the house of the Abbot of Ridaghusen fast by Brunswicke to whom he sent before hande to make our provision. Being The Abbote being letted sent presently to Brunswicke to have us there intertened at his owne cost & charge: Where I was also presented with many pottes of wine by the magistrates of the cittie, who sent their sergeaunts with their secretarie to offer it, with certaine gratulatarie speeches accordinge to their custome. The next daye after I departed towardes Lubecke, where I came in safetie 2 daies since, & nowe expect but a winde to passe fol.192v
for Coppenhaven.
Nowe to impart mine owne opinion to your H. with suche particular ob- servations as seme to be material, & concerne my present service, albeit it make longe letter, yet I thought it pertinent for per- fourmaunce of my duty. In the D. of Brunswickes court whiche I thought almost impossible, I could talke with no man in a maner, I meane of his councell aswel as the rest, that of the trobles in Fraunce could tell me more then this, that the Guise was in armes, but of any other circumstaunce, as what he pretendeth, who hath joined with him, howe farre he hath proceeded, what forces he hath gathered, they were as ignorant as might be. For whiche I gave them a copie of the Cardinal of Barbons declaration, a note of suche advertis- ments as I receaved of your H. & the copie of a letter which was sent from the K. of Navarra to Monsieur de la Fontaine, & he de- livered it to me, when I was ready to depart. These occurrences were imparted with the Duke, to whome they were welcome, and many copies taken, which he sent the Electors, the Administrator of Halles, the Duke of Pomerane & others.
[In margin: Soldiers Levyed in Saxony & the Countryes adjoyning for the D: of Guise.]
I am perfectly informed that the souldiers and Coronels, whose names I sent your H. in my last, were levied most in Saxonie, & the countreis adjoining, & had their paiment from the Guise. And if Brunswicke would suffer it, I thinke a quarter of the countrey would serve in like sort. For the malice of their ministers hath no kinde of measure, that the common people knowe no otherwise [In margin: The malice of the Ministers there against the Calvinistes as they terme them./]
but that they fight against Infidels, when they fight against Calvinists and thinke the pope would not hurt them, if that Calvinists were gone. While I was at Wolferbeitel, their minister in a sermon before the Councel, speaking of those that were massacred at Paris, ter- med them a wicked generation, & martyrs of the divel: wherof I talked after with some of the councell. They could not tell me what other forces have beene levied: because in these quarters by rea- son of the edictes, they assemble not in troupes, but gett awaye underhande: nor howe many of the former have passed the Rhine for some saye all, & some, but a fewe. But for certaine many have bin staied by the Elector of Brandemberg the Lantgrave & Brunswicke In the circle of lowe Saxonie, these be the chiefest of the Princes, who by themselves or their deputies must be present. The Administrator of Magdeberg the Archbishop of Breame, Julius D. of Brunswicke Wolfgan gus D. of Brunswicke Wilhelmus D. of Brunswicke & Luneberg certaine Dukes of Saxonie the Bishop of Halberstat, the D. of Mechelberg the K. of Denmarke as D. of Halsatia, Adolphus D. of Holsatia, the Bishop of Lubecke fol.193r
Lubecke, & divers other Bishops & Countes, & the cities of Lu- becke, Hambourghe &c. that it semeth, if the D. of Brunswicke will deale as he maye, his authorite among them being highly estemed, (for so I am informed) muche good maye come of it. Howbeit he com- plaineth very often, that we beginne a great deale to late, to sette suche matters a foote.
Sir Philip Sidney hath a very great frinde, one Andreas Pauli a [In margin: Andreas Pauli his [pro]mise to excuse [M]aster Bodleys not repay- [ring] to the D. of Saxonie his [Master.]/]
counsailor to the Duke of Saxonie, who comminge to Wolferbeitel & understanding of my being, came to diner unto me, & after diner we conferred together as touching my message, which I commen- ded unto him, & requested him to favor her Majesties excuse for not sending to the Elector: for that in sending to & fro muche time is consumed, and opportunities are lost, & I had hast towardes Denmarke, & then after must returne. He gave me his promise to doe it very carefully: but wished in any wise, that the amitie & frindeshippe betwene her Majestie & his Master, might be thorowly confirmed, & then no dout she might drawe him to all her good purposes. When I craved to knowe how it might be firmer [In margin: His advice touching the matche betwene the Scottish K. & the Daughter [o]f the K: of Denmarke.]
then it was: that is then, said he, to be considered, when occa- sions are presented. He thought the contrivinge of a matche, betwene the Scottishe Kinge & a daughter of the K. of Den- marcke, would be a gratefull thinge to him, & to all the Princes heere, & exceeding beneficiall to all protestants in Christendome. Againe about Michaelmas next, at Wolferbeitel, the D. of Brunswickes eldest sonne shalbe maried to the D. of Saxonies elde second daughter: where besides many Prin- ces the K. of Denmarke is looked for. It is possible the D. of [In margin: That the Cloth to be sent from home to the D. of Saxonie. may be freed from custome./]
Saxonie in respect of that mariage will send for cloth into England, for whiche Andreas thought it well to take order, that if he send for any suche, he might be freed of custome: which said he, is a privilege among Princes: and withall insinuated obsurely, howe the D. tooke it ill, that at some time heretofore, he had bin forced to paye it: for so I understoode him. In all dutifull maner he desired her Majestie to repute him her servaunt, to be commaunded in any thinge.
The daye before I departed, one Jo. Bakelius phisition to the D. of Brunswicke came unto me to my chamber, suborned as I take it, by the D. himself, who tolde me, that uppon occa- sion of talke, the D. did greatly mervel, that our Englishe mar- chants fol.193v
[In margin: An ouverture for our Merchantes trading unto Breame & to leave Embden./]
had suche a liking to Emden. He thought Breame more conve- nient, or some other towne therabout: in whiche if they were so contented the D. himself would pleasure them. For he was a suter & in hope to gette the Archbishop of Breame for his eldest sonne, Bishop of Halberstat, & besides, the contrey therabout by the death of D. Erricke is fallen into his handes: that if not in Breame yet in many other places, he could serve their turne very fitly. Moreover he tolde me, that forasmuche as her Majestie did not send to the Christening of Jochim her godsonne, nor, as he said, write any letter in answear to the D. it would be taken [In margin: That her Majesty wold writt to the Duke an answeare touching her Godsonne &c.]
very kindly, if her highnes would vouchsafe to remember him at last, with some token of good will, or sende him commenda- cions, and declare her willingnes to see him. Whiche I conjecture in like maner proceeded from the D. because he signified unto me, that he was fully resolved, to send him into England. I was further informed by him, & by some others of good under- standing, that there are about many of these Princes many Principall persons, whose open discourses are altogether Spa- nishe: that in a maner it is demed, that he hath every where his pensioners.
Because I am not certaine whether your H. understand it, I thought to signifie, that I have seene heere in Lubecke a booke published in Latin with this title
Incedium Calvinisticum Regis Navarrj Legatione apud quosdam Imperij status imperadmodum ad certam religionis ac Reip. conturbationem procuratum.
[In margin: The Booke called Incendium Calvinisticum./]At this very present, there is certaine worde brought to Lubecke, that the K. of Denmarke is gone into Norwaye: whiche I dout very muche will staye me from Brunswicke longer then I would. For some give it out, he will continewe there longe, & others make account of his speedy returne. But I will kepe my course to Coppenhaven, & there advise me what is best with Monsieur D'Anoy fol.194r
Thus howsoever I have erred, ether in tediousnes, or in my maner of certifieng, or any waye besides, I beseche yoour H. most humbly to impute it rather to any thinge, then to want of diligence or wil- lingnes to accomplishe my duty: and therewtall I end, and take my humble leave, desiring God most earnestly, to kepe your honorable estate in continuall prosperitie. Lubeck. Anno 1585. May 31. Your H. most humbly bouden. Tho. Bodley.
Postscript: I mette with Master Harbert in Lubecke, of whom I have taken the copie of a letter, which he hath to deliver to her Majestie from the D. of Prusse, which will serve me to good purpose, to shewe his affection & forwardnes to other Princes. For he declareth so his willing- nes, to joine his forces with her Majesties in a cause of this qualitie, as if he had bin expressely invited unto it. As farre as I can conjecture, my going into Denmarke, & returne againe to Brunswicke, & some aboad in eche place, & some staye perhaps after, for shipping & winde, maye holde me six weekes longer in this contrey: that if your H. have any thing, to commaund me further, it maye come unto my handes before I gette awaye from hens. I have taken order with one Va- lentine Palmer a factor for Alderman Bonde, & a dweller in Hambourgh, to convey any letter unto me that shall be sent me from your H. with all possible speede: or to returne it home againe, if I chance to be departed. For I determine if I be not countermaunded, to returne from Brunswicke immediatly homewardes, as my course was prescribed in your H. memoriall.
I send your H. this letter by one John Roberts a marchant dwelling by Bassinges Halle in London.